Lending and bank guarantees, past due and nonperforming assets
The FIN-FSA publishes statistics on deposit bank lending, bank guarantees and past due and nonperforming assets by sector on a quarterly basis. By industrial category, total lending and nonperforming assets will be recorded.
Non-performing exposures (=non-performing assets) are defined based on Article 47a of Regulation No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (CRR). The Article lists the circumstances where an exposure must be classified as non-performing. This is the case, for example, with a default under Article 178 of the CRR (the obligor is more than 90 days past due on any material credit obligation or the obligor is unlikely to pay its credit obligations due to payment difficulties) or where the exposure is considered to be impaired in accordance with the applicable accounting framework.
Supervised entities should report nonperforming assets in gross terms. The gross amount includes asset impairment losses related to the assets.
Total lending includes the domestic banking sector and foreign credit institutions’ Finnish branches engaged in deposit bank activities.
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FIN-FSA published quarterly statistics on deposit bank lending, bank guarantees and past due and nonperforming assets by sector and industrial category.
A new definition of nonperforming assets is based on a technical standard prepared by the European Banking Authority (EBA) on supervisory reporting on forbearance and non-performing exposures under article 99(4) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
In accordance with the new definition, nonperforming assets include the following new items:
- not past due exposures, debtor unlikely to pay
- exposures past due by less than 90 days , debtor unlikely to pay.
Supervised entities should now report gross nonperforming assets instead of previous net amounts. The gross amount includes asset impairment losses, whereas impairment losses have been deducted from net assets.
FIN-FSA has on its website provided monthly statistics on net nonperforming assets up to 12/2013. As a result of the change in definition, these net time-series statistics are no longer provided.
New statistics will be provided starting from 12/2014. They will include lending and bank guarantees, past due and nonperforming assets and impairment losses. The statistics will be provided quarterly.
Total lendings include Aktia Bank, Danske Bank, Evli Bank, the Mortgage Society, Nordea, Oma Savings Bank, OP Cooperative, local cooperative banks (POP), S-Bank, savings banks prior to the amalgamation, Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland, Ålandsbanken and foreign credit institutions’ Finnish branches engaged in deposit bank activities and subject to reporting requirements.
31 December 2014–31 March 2018 (excel)
Due to the reporting reform this statistic is no longer updated.
The FIN-FSA published statistical data quarterly on lending and bank guarantees by deposit banks, by sector and industrial category.
Due to changes in the standard industrial classification at the beginning of 2009, the data is not completely comparable with the data published before 2009.
Lending includes both euro-denominated and foreign currency items.
Lending comprises overdrafts on current accounts, bills of exchange, promissory notes, claims in respect of hire purchase contracts, factoring, accounts payable financing, claims in respect of credit cards, other lending, repos and financial leasing. Lending includes bank guarantees starting from 30 June 2005.
Aggregate lending includes lending by Nordea Bank Finland Plc, OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative, Danske Bank Plc, Aktia Bank Plc, Bank of Åland Plc, Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Ltd, Eufex Bank Ltd, Evli Bank Plc, FIM Bank Ltd, LocalTapiola Bank plc, S-Bank Ltd, local cooperative banks, savings banks and foreign credit institutions’ Finnish branches engaged in deposit bank activities and subject to reporting requirements.
1999–2013 (excel)
FIN-FSA has on its website provided monthly statistics on net nonperforming assets up to 12/2013. As a result of the change in definition, these net time-series statistics are no longer provided.
The FSA published statistical data on deposit banks' nonperforming assets and impairment losses. The data covered deposit banks on a consolidated basis.
The data covered nonperforming assets, zero interest lending and guarantee claims.
Nonperforming assets are defined in the FSA Standard RA4.6.
The table is updated monthly.
1997-2013 (excel)
FIN-FSA has on its website provided monthly statistics on net nonperforming assets up to 12/2013. As a result of the change in definition, these net time-series statistics are no longer provided.
The FSA published statistical data quarterly on deposit banks' aggregate outstanding and nonperforming assets and impairment losses by sector and industrial category.
Due to changes in the standard industrial classification at the beginning of 2009, the data is not completely comparable with the data published before 2009.
Aggregate figures include Nordea Bank Finland Plc, OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative, Danske Bank Plc, Aktia Bank Plc, Bank of Åland Plc, Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Ltd, Eufex Bank Ltd, Evli Bank Plc, FIM Bank Ltd, LocalTapiola Bank Plc, S-Bank Ltd, local cooperative banks, savings banks and foreign credit institutions’ Finnish branches engaged in deposit bank activities and subject to reporting requirements.
30 June 2005–31 December 2013 (excel)