EBA ITS reporting
Common European reporting (COREP) is based on European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014, putting into effect implementing technical standards developed by the European Banking Authority (EBA) with regard to reporting of supervisory data. COREP reporting consists of a number of separate data collections by which institutions report prudential supervision data according to the EU Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), such as own funds and own funds requirements, leverage ratio, large exposures, liquidity coverage requirement and stable funding requirement. COREP in its current form began at the beginning of 2014.
COREP applies to credit institutions, investment firms, fund management companies and alternative investment fund managers in accordance with FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines 26/2013 Common European Reporting COREP, available in Finnish (Yhteiseurooppalainen raportointi COREP) and in Swedish (Sameuropeisk rapportering COREP). The data collection reporting obligations within the reporting framework are described for each reporting institution category in a financial sector reporting map.
Technical implementation of COREP
COREP data are reported in accordance with the Data Point Model (DPM) and XBRL taxonomy published by the EBA. A reporting application downloadable from the FIN-FSA’s Jakelu Distribution Service can be used as an aid in reporting.
COREP reports submitted to the FIN-FSA can also be produced from reporting entities’ own systems. Reports produced from entities’ own systems are produced in accordance with specifications presented in the FIN-FSA’s EBA ITS description of electronic reporting (appendix).
The FIN-FSA requires that entities, when submitting data in machine-readable form, adhere to both the instructions for machine-readable data transmission and the EBA Filing Rules. With respect to content, reports must also comply with the list of validations according to the EBA Validation Rules. Credit institutions are also expected to apply the data quality checks developed by the European Central Bank’s Expert Group on Data Quality, which complement the EBA Validation Rules.
Financial information reporting (FINREP) began in 2014 on a phased basis according to a reporting table. FINREP applies to credit institutions, investment firms and fund management companies in accordance with FIN-FSA Regulation and guidelines 20/2013 Reporting of financial information. The scope of reporting for each reporting institution category is described in more detail in the documents:
- Table of FINREP reporting scope (Credit Market) (Excel)
- Table of FINREP reporting scope (Capital Market) (Excel)
The FIN-FSA forwards credit institutions’ reports to the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Banking Authority (EBA). FINREP reporting consists of tables to be submitted quarterly, half-yearly and annually.
Technical implementation of FINREP
FINREP data are reported in accordance with the Data Point Model (DPM) and XBRL taxonomy published by the EBA. A reporting application downloadable from the FIN-FSA’s Jakelu Distribution Service can be used as an aid in reporting.
FINREP reports submitted to the FIN-FSA can also be produced from reporting entities’ own systems. Reports produced from entities’ own systems are produced in accordance with specifications presented in the FIN-FSA’s EBA ITS description of electronic reporting (appendix).
The FIN-FSA requires that entities, when submitting data in machine-readable form, adhere to both the instructions for machine-readable data transmission and the EBA Filing Rules. With respect to content, reports must also comply with the list of validations according to the EBA Validation Rules. Credit institutions are also expected to apply the data quality checks developed by the European Central Bank’s Expert Group on Data Quality, which complement the EBA Validation Rules.
EBA ITS quality assurance
Verifications relating to the scope of reporting are part of the quality assurance process of ITS reporting. The template content in the reports consists of filing indicators described in chapter 1.6 of the EBA XBRL Filing Rules document, and they indicate which templates are reported and which are not reported. The filing indicators in the report must be in line with the template-specific reporting obligations. The reporting obligations for the templates are based on, for example, the risk measurement approaches applied by the reporting entity, as well as on possible exemptions granted to the reporting entity. The template-specific reporting obligations may also depend on the exceeding of the threshold values determined by regulation, as well as on the data reported in the other templates in the report.
The table below describes the template-specific reporting obligations for ITS reports and the principles on the basis of which they are determined, as well as the permitted filing indicator types for each reporting obligation category. The specifications listed in the table enable the reporting entity to verify in advance that the filing indicators in the reports remitted to the FIN-FSA are in line with the template-specific reporting obligations.
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 3.1) (excel)
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 3.2) (excel)
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 3.3) (excel)
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 3.4) (excel)
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 3.5 Phase 1) (excel)
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 3.5 Phase 2) (excel)
- ITS reporting obligations template-specific (DPM 4.0) (excel)