Validation feedback messages

Sender of the report receives automatic feedback on the content of the report via email (separate email message after a confirmation of receipt email for a received report). The report status is determined as follows:

1. Rejected, report contains critical technical errors (Red)

  • The report contains severe format errors, preventing the receipt of the report. The report must be revised and resubmitted.

2. Rejected, report contains blocking errors (Orange)

  • The report contains at least one severe content error, preventing the approval of the report.
  • The approval of the report requires revision or explanation why reporting in line with the validations is not possible. Such cases include blocking or error level validations or reporting after the approved time frame. The explanation is to be submitted to the FIN-FSA by email.

3. Received, report contains errors (Yellow)

  • The report contains at least one content error, which, however, does not prevent the approval of the report.
  • Sender of the report must correct the errors or provide an explanation why reporting in line with the validations is not possible. Such cases include non-blocking or warning-level validations. The explanation is to be submitted to FIN-FSA by email.

4. Accepted, no errors (Green)

  • The report passes all automatic validations conducted by the FIN-FSA and is consistent with the reporting obligations assigned to the entity in the FIN-FSA's entity register.

Contact information

Theme Email
Technical issues and matters of interpretation relating to EBA ITS reporting (XBRL/XML) Reporting to FIN-FSA
​Technical issues and matters of interpretation relating to FIN-FSA data collections (.csv) VIRATIhelpdesk(at)
​Technical issues and matters of interpretation relating to AIFMD reporting, and changes to AIFMD reporting obligations AIFMDReportingHelpdesk(at)

Technical and interpretation related questions about STT and CSDR7 reporting

​Non-electronic Solvency II reporting vahinkojahenki(at)
Technical issues and matters of interpretation relating to Solvency II reporting Reporting to FIN-FSA
Technical issues and matters of interpretation relating to Pension Fund reporting Reporting to FIN-FSA
Reporting of the ECB’s fee factor data (COF) and the related communication EKP_valvontamaksut(at)
Questions related to the reform of the Reporting System NewReportingSystem(at)
List of data sets (pdf)