Supervision release 16 May 2014 – 28/2014

Introduction of reporting application for pan-European COREP reporting postponed

The COREP reporting application will not be introduced as planned, because further finalisation and testing of the program functions is needed. The new introduction date will be issued as soon as possible through a new supervision release.

A test version of the reporting application can be downloaded via Jakelu Distribution Service. The version includes revised forms, a function for change of language (fi, sv, en), Excel formulas in the forms, and updated functions for saving and retrieving reports.

The COREP reports should be submitted to FIN-FSA by 30 June 2014. The reporting institutions should be prepared to answer questions on the reporting also during July.

For further information, please contact

  • Marika Männistö, marika.mannisto(at), telephone +358 10 831 55 39 or marika.mannisto(at)
  • Matti Virtanen, matti.virtanen(at), telephone +358 10 831 25 58 or matti.virtanen(at)