Topical matters concerning notification of delayed disclosure of inside information
The procedures concerning the submission of a notification to the FIN-FSA of delayed disclosure of inside information will change at the turn of the year as more services will become available in the FIN-FSA e-services system. In future, issuers must send the notifications of delayed disclosure via the e-services system, instead of by email. The use of the e-services system requires strong user identification in the national authentication service Suomi.fi. In addition, the issuer must ensure that the person submitting the notification has been granted the necessary authorisations in the Suomi.fi service.
More detailed instructions on the submission of notifications will be published towards the end of the year on the FIN-FSA's website.
For further information, please contact:
Rickard Sandell, Senior Legal Advisor, rickard.sandell(at)fiva.fi or tel. +358 9 183 5353