Themes of 2021
Crypto assets emerged as a salient phenomenon in 2021. They were the most frequently asked theme in the FIN-FSA's Innovation Helpdesk in the review year, and a growing interest towards crypto assets has also been evident at the FIN-FSA in processing applications for registration of new service providers. This topic is discussed in the article “Crypto assets attract investor interests – risks to be reined in through regulation”.
In the review year, discussion about investments increased in many channels. The FIN-FSA appeared in the media during the year in this context, seeking to provide guidance on regulation-compliant and appropriate investment discussion. This topic is discussed in the article “New investors, new sources of information”.
Household indebtedness has risen for over 20 years now, standing currently at an all-time high: at the end of the review year, almost 400,000 Finns had a payment default on record. This phenomenon and the requisite responses are discussed in the article “New tools needed to contain household indebtedness”.
Phenomena brought about by climate change pose physical and transition risks to the financial sector, which must be taken into consideration by market participants. It is also important to have adequate and consistent information on sustainability factors, since investors have a growing preference for sustainable investments. Sustainability factors are considered in the regulation and supervision of the financial sector, on the one hand from the perspective of risk management, and on the other hand from the perspective of the disclosure obligation. This theme is dissected in the article “Sustainability issues as part of financial market participants’ risk management and disclosure obligations”.