Reporting release 23 October 2024 – 25/2024

Credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2024 I EBA

From the 2020 fee period onwards, the ECB's annual fees have been levied on an ex-post basis based on calculations relying on existing supervisory data.

Fee-paying branches from non-SSM countries operating in Finland must submit a standard letter from management certifying the total assets of the branches to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2024. Branches must submit a management letter even if supervisory fees are calculated based on FINREP reporting.

The data to be referred to by the branches shall be data for the end of the previous year, unless the branch has been founded during the supervisory fee period, in which case the data to be referred to shall be the data for the end of the quarter following the founding of the branch. If a branch has been established during 2024, the branch must not only complete the standard letter from management but also the template for collecting supervisory fee factors and send it together with the management letter to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2024. Further information on the supervisory fees can be found on the ECB website.

Management certification letters, and the fee factors templates if needed, shall be sent by email to the FIN-FSA at:


Alternatively, management certification letters may also be submitted by letter to the address: Finanssivalvonta, PL 103, 00101 Helsinki. The envelope should be marked “ECB’s Supervisory fees/FIDATA”.

For further information, please contact

  • EKP_valvontamaksut(at)
  • SSM-fee-enquiries(at)


Instructions for completing the templates for collecting supervisory fee factors

Management letter template

Fee factors template