Reporting release 22 August 2019 – 20/2019

EBA published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) applying to credit institutions concerning FINREP and SBP data collections – DPM 2.9 to be adopted | EBA

The EBA has published an implementing technical standard (ITS) concerning the DPM model used in regulatory reporting and the XBRL taxonomy for the FINREP and SBP data collections. The now published ITS only becomes binding legislation after the European Commission has adopted it and it has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

The EBA moved to a new modular release model following the DPM version 2.9. In the new release model, amendments to data collections belonging to the reporting framework will be released at different points in time. Amendments to the data collections will enter into force as of data reference dates determined on the basis of the schedule of the publication model. The FIN-FSA issued a release on the COREP update on 20 June 2019.

The DPM version 2.9 is used in the reporting of:

  • the SBPIMV module as from 26 September 2019
  • the SBP module as from 31 December 2019
  • the FINREP module as from the data reference date 30 June 2020

EBA website on the XBRL taxonomy and DPM model concerning the ITS reporting

Changes to FINREP data collection (package 2.9 FINREP)

The key changes are concerned with the reporting of non-performing exposures. Some of the new reporting requirements concerning non-performing exposures will only apply to supervised entities exceeding a specific threshold.

The reporting of expenses on the income statement was expanded particularly regarding administrative and staff costs, and on the other hand the breakdown of fee income and expenses was made more detailed. Certain less significant changes were also made to align with the Leases Standard (IFRS 16) which entered into force at the beginning of 2019.

In addition, new validation rules were introduced and changes were made to existing ones.

For further information, please contact:

  • EBAReportingHelpdesk(at)