Press release 12 June 2024

FIN-FSA surveyed the availability and pricing of basic banking services - no significant changes in availability or pricing compared with the past

The right of customers to basic banking services as specified in law is mainly fulfilled well in Finland. According to an assessment by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA), in 2023, basic banking services continued to be readily available and, for the most part, reasonably priced. The data used in the survey are based on the situation as at 31 December 2023.

The FIN-FSA continues to find relevance in its previous recommendations for banks. Banks must safeguard affordable access to services for customers unable to use digital services and the availability of personal customer service at a reasonable price for anyone needing it. It is important that banks ensure the availability of cash services throughout the country. In particular, ageing of the population increases the need for guidance in the selection of appropriate services and for a clarification of procedures regarding authorisation practices, where relevant.

Number of branches continued to decline

The number of bank branches continued to decline in 2023, following the trend of the previous years. Beyond the changes in the availability of branch services, there were no significant changes in alternative services to digital services in 2023. Locally, the reduction in the number of branches and, for example, restrictions in their opening hours and cash services may have weakened the availability of banking services.

Recent years’ inflation not shown as a rise in the prices of basic banking services

In 2023, the prices of basic banking services remained almost at the previous year’s level. However, there are noticeable differences in the prices of individual services between the various banks. It is advisable for customers to use their choice to affect their banking service costs. For example, by comparing banks’ service prices, it may be possible to obtain the services at more affordable prices.

Ministry of Finance assesses reform needs in legislation concerning basic banking services 

There is an assessment ongoing at the Ministry of Finance on reform needs in regulation on basic banking services, as part of a more extensive assessment of reform needs concerning the Act on Credit Institutions. On 1 March 2024, the Ministry of Finance published an assessment report on the topic. According to the assessment report, all customer groups have experienced difficulties in receiving personal customer service. The FIN-FSA has advocated the objective to promote access to customer service in banking services, in particular from the viewpoint of customers belonging to special groups. 

Retail customers have a legal right to basic banking services provided by deposit banks. These services include a payment account, a means by which the account can be accessed (such as a debit card), an online banking service and a means of strong electronic identification.

On a regular basis, the FIN-FSA conducts a survey of the availability and pricing of basic banking services, as specified in the Act of Credit Institutions. The survey data for 2023 are mainly based on information on bank service prices and bank branches obtained from the consumer payment account comparison website (, in Finnish) and Bank of Finland statistics.

See also

Survey of availability and pricing of basic banking services 2023

Assessment report of the Ministry of Finance (in Finnish)

For further information, please contact:

Timo Peltonen, Chief Specialist

Requests for interviews are coordinated by FIN-FSA Communications, tel. +358 9 183 5030 (weekdays 9.00–16.00).