Supervised entities shall annually report to the FIN-FSA by RA-reporting i.e. reporting on the risks and controls of money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions. The reference date of data collected is annually 31 December and the deadline for reporting to the FIN-FSA is 28 February.
The data collection concerns the following groups of supervised entities:
- Credit institutions
- Authorized payment institutions and registered payment service providers
- Investment firms
- Fund management companies and alternative investment fund managers
- Life insurance and non-life insurance companies (excluding foreign insurance companies' branches in Finland)
- Consumer credit providers and peer-to-peer lenders
- Virtual currency providers
The reporting is done via Reporter Portal of the FIN-FSA's Reporting System. The form templates and instructions of the data collection can be accessed via the links below.
RA data collection, form templates (excel)
RA-data collection - instructions (pdf)
See the answer options for the questions in the instructions.