Before you invest or deposit money
Matters concerning the estate of a deceased person
- Banking services
Savings and investments
Payment account comparison website
- Payment services
Before you buy insurance
- Insurances
Customer due diligence and customer identification
‘Home emergency kit’ for payments
Security of services
Problems with a service provider
Disruptions affecting online and mobile banks
Virtual currencies
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s role in customer protection
Questions and answers
Before you invest or deposit money
Financial market participants
- Credit institutions
- Payment service providers
- Mortgage credit intermediaries
- Consumer credit providers and peer-to-peer loan brokers
- Authorisations, registrations and notifications
Owner control
Fit & Proper supervision
Supervision and processing fees
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Customer due diligence
- Obligation to obtain information and to report
- Risk assessment
- Internal instructions and training of personnel
- International cooperation
- International economic sanctions and domestic freezing decisions
- Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Reporting
- Report suspected infringement
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
Sustainable finance
- Employee pension insurance
- Life and non-life insurance
Conduct of insurance business
- Unemployment funds
- Sickness and benefit funds
- Insurance intermediaries
Supervision and processing fees
- Authorisations, registrations and notifications
Owner control
Fit & Proper supervision
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Customer due diligence
- Obligation to obtain information and to report
- Risk assessment
- Internal instructions and training of personnel
- International cooperation
- International economic sanctions and domestic freezing decisions
- Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Reporting
- Report suspected infringement
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
Sustainable finance
Capital markets
- Investment service providers
- Fund management companies
- Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)
- Crowdfunding service providers
- Crowdfunding intermediaries
- Stock exchange and other trading venues
- Central securities depositories
Issuers and investors
- Regulation of listed companies
- Notification of major holdings
- Inside information
- Listing
- Disclosure obligation
- Market Abuse Regulation
- Offering of securities and prospectuses
- IFRS and sustainability information enforcement
- Market soundings
- Register of prospectuses
- ESEF-reporting for listed companies
- Reporting obligation concerning the prevention and detection of market abuse
- Public bid
- Short positions
- Managers transactions
Market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology
- Crypto-asset activities
Supervision and processing fees
Authorisations, registrations and notifications
- Stock exchange and other trading venues
- Fund management companies
- Alternative investment fund managers
- Summaries and national provisions for marketing requirements for AIFs and UCITS
- Brexit and UK funds' and fund managers' cross-border notifications
- Investment service providers
- Crowdfunding intermediaries
- Crowdfunding service providers
- Crypto-asset activities
- Market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology
Owner control
Fit & Proper supervision
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Customer due diligence
- Obligation to obtain information and to report
- Risk assessment
- Internal instructions and training of personnel
- International cooperation
- International economic sanctions and domestic freezing decisions
- Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Reporting
- Report suspected infringement
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
Sustainable finance
Financial market stability
Macroprudential politics
Macroprudential instruments
Description of macroprudential instruments
Macroprudential decisions and appendices
- Macroprudential decisions 2024
- Macroprudential decisions 2023
- Macroprudential decisions 2022
- Macroprudential decisions 2021
- Macroprudential decisions 2020
- Macroprudential decisions 2019
- Macroprudential decisions 2018
- Macroprudential decisions 2017
- Macroprudential decisions 2016
- Macroprudential decisions 2015
Summary table of macroprudential decisions
Macroprudential politics
About us
Values and strategy
- Powers and funding
Organisation and tasks
- Anneli Tuominen
Marja Nykänen
Martti Hetemäki
Outi Antila
Lasse Heiniö
Markku Pohjola
Vesa Vihriälä
Pirjo Kyyrönen
Kaisa Forsström
- Jyri Helenius
Samu Kurri
Sonja Lohse
Erkki Rajaniemi
Katja Taipalus
Hannu Ijäs
FIN-FSA’s mission and tasks by department
Janne Häyrynen
Armi Taipale
Tarja Taipalus
Heli Backman
Markku Puumalainen
Leena Kallasvuo
- Tero Kurenmaa
Minna Lehmuskero
Leena Mörttinen
Internal Audit
Jaana Rissanen
Pauli Kariniemi
Liisa Siika-aho
Paula Kirppu
Mira Väisänen
Marko Myller
Merja Lehtimäki
Antti Pärnänen
- Contact information
- To Media
Working at the FIN-FSA
- Events
Statements and guidelines
- Data protection
Data Protection
Accessibility statement
Cookies policy
Electronic signature in the Financial Supervisory Authority
Ethical Code of Conduct
Principles of international cooperation
Consultation of market participants supports development of operations
Financial Supervisory Authority on social media
Report suspected infringement
Financial Supervisory Authority e-services
- Managers' transactions
- Customer complaint reports
- Tied agent notifications
- Reporting disruption and faults in user operations
- Net short positions
- Notification of delayed disclosure of inside information
- Error and omission notifications in transaction reporting
- Public disclosure and the delay of disclosure of inside information
- Notification of owners and the size of holdings (notification of holdings)
Frequently asked Questions & Answers on the FIN-FSA’s e-services
Values and strategy
Publications and press releases
News releases related to the coronavirus (COVID-19)
War in Ukraine
Supervision releases
- Stress tests for banks under Financial Supervisory Authority’s direct supervision
- Joint EBA and ESMA Guidelines on suitability assessment of management body and qualifying holdings of issuers of asset-referenced tokens and crypto-asset service providers – applicable from 4 Feb 2025
- Thematic assessment on pre-trade controls implemented by investment service providers engaging in algorithmic trading
- Financial Supervisory Authority reminds supervised entities of their obligation to submit correct and checked supervisory data
- Amendments to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 4/2023
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s priorities in 2025 remain the soundness of supervised entities’ governance and responding to uncertainties in the operating environment – summaries of inspection results to be made available on website
- Joint Guidelines on the oversight cooperation and information exchange between the ESAs and the competent authorities – applicable as of 6th January 2025
- Application of EU Regulation on Markets in Crypto Assets begins, but companies already operating in the European market are subject to various transitional periods
- New processing fee schedule takes effect on 1 January 2025
- Results of the stress tests for European insurance companies have been published
- Member state option for covered bonds in regulation amending the EU Capital Requirements Regulation
- European Central Bank’s public consultation on the application of regulatory options and discretions available to authorities with respect to the prudential regulation of credit institutions
- Amendments to MAR as of 4 December 2024: safe harbour transactions in own shares and managers’ transactions
- EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2024/11) on information requirements in relation to transfers of funds and certain crypto-assets transfers under Regulation (EU) 2023/1113 (Travel rule Guidelines) – applicable from 30 December 2024
- A summary of the risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing for virtual asset service providers has been published
- FATF invites comments on proposed revisions to FATF Recommendations – consultation period ends on 6 December 2024
- Thematic review: FIN-FSA calls attention to the clarity of investment funds’ sustainability disclosures and the role of risk management in monitoring sustainability risks
- Clear shortcomings in valuation practices for real estate collateral and credit risk management for housing company loans
- Regulations and guidelines 2/2024 Risk management concerning mortgage bank operations enter into force on 1 January 2025
- The Financial Supervisory Authority has published a summary of its sanctions risk assessment
- European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms (ESMA34-1592494965-657) – applicable from 21 November 2024
- Amendment to European Banking Authority’s ML/TF Risk Factors Guideline, applicable as of 30 December 2024
- Interest rate risk reporting (R report) to end
- EBA Guidelines on resubmission of historical data ‒ applicable as of 17 October 2024
- EBA Guidelines on the establishment and maintenance of national lists or registers of credit servicers under Directive (EU) 2021/2167
- Standards 4.4c “Management of market risk” and 4.4d “Management of liquidity risk” have been repealed
- Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 Submission of electronic supervisory data of entities operating in the insurance markets
- Amendments to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 4/2023
- EBA Guidelines on the assessment of adequate knowledge and experience of the management or administrative organ of credit servicers, as a whole, under Directive (EU) 2021/2167
- Standard RA1.1 on the reporting of intra-group transactions has been replaced by new regulations and guidelines 1/2024
- Regulations and guidelines of standard 1.5 on the supervision of financial and insurance conglomerates have been repealed
- Consumer lenders have various shortcomings in AML/CFT risk management; registered information on supervised entities assessed and updated
- Amendment to EBA Guidelines on specification and disclosure of systemic importance indicators – application begins on 20 May 2024
- Supervised entities’ event concerning reformed Funds Transfer Regulation on 22 May 2024
- European Securities and Markets Authority guidelines on the transfer of data between trade repositories - applicable from 29.4.2024
- Financial Supervisory Authority to conduct stress tests for insurance and pension sectors
- Thematic review: Room for development in the measurement of interest rate risk and management of interest rate risk models by credit institutions under direct FIN-FSA supervision
- Clear shortcomings in the management of default risk in consumer lending and in credit providers’ contractual terms
- Thematic review: Greenwashing risk taken into account in a relatively limited manner in investment fund activities
- Security of online banking, mobile banking and online payments
- Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 8/2016 Payment institutions and persons providing payment services without authorisation
- Regulations and guidelines 6/2013 Securities offerings and listings to be repealed on 31 March 2024
- The EBA is inviting comments on Guidelines on information accompanying transfers of funds (incl. crypto-assets) (The Travel Rule Guidelines) – consultation period ends on 26 February 2024
- Financial Supervisory Authority will focus in 2024 on risk resilience of supervised entities in a changing operating environment and on soundness of governance
- ESMA Guidelines for reporting under EMIR – applicable from 29 April 2024
- FIN-FSA statement – definition of customer under AML Act
- European Banking Authority EBA Guidelines on overall recovery capacity in recovery planning (EBA/GL/2023/06) ‒ application begins on 11 January 2024
- Regulations and guidelines 4/2023 on customer due diligence related to compliance with sanctions regulation and national freezing orders enter into force on 1 March 2024
- New schedule of processing fees and amendments to Supervision Fees Act to take effect on 1 January 2024
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s supervision fees for 2023 and changes to supervision fees
- Financial Supervisory Authority calls for enhanced monitoring of disruptions and abnormal observations
- EBA Guidelines on effective management of ML/TF risks when providing access to financial services – applicable as of 3 November 2023
- Revision of EBA ML/TF Risk Factors Guidelines into force on 3 November 2023
- Consumer credit providers required to sign up for Positive credit register by 30 November 2023
- Thematic review: Need for development in risk reporting to the boards of directors of credit institutions under direct FIN-FSA Supervision
- Revision to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 7/2018 concerning MiFID II product governance requirements
- Thematic review: Plenty of room for development in climate and environmental risk management by credit institutions under direct FIN-FSA supervision
- Thematic review of availability of banking services to foreigners moving to Finland
- FIN-FSA invites comments on regulations and guidelines on customer due diligence related to compliance with sanctions regulation and freezing orders – consultation closes on 22 September 2023
- FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 1/2012: Outsourcing in supervised entities belonging to the financial sector have been updated, and the amendments will enter into force on 1st September 2023
- Thematic review of reports by life insurance undertakings’ actuarial functions in 2021 – better reports to support the board of directors’ work
- European Banking Authority (EBA) Guidelines on the Use of Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions – application begins on 2 October 2023
- Amendments to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 2/2023: Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing – as of 1 September 2023, the scope of application also covers certain credit providers and credit intermediaries
- Amendments to Regulations and guidelines 3/2015 Calculation of maximum loan-to-value ratio – scope of application to also include certain credit providers and credit intermediaries from 1 July 2023
- Regulations and guidelines 2/2023 on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing enter into force on 26 June 2023
- Revision to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 7/2018 concerning certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability and remuneration requirements
- Thematic assessment on abuses of payment services and the compensation process
- EBA publishes Opinion on RTS concerning SOTs for IRRBB supervision
- Thematic assessment: state of ICT outsourcing among supervised entities
- Amendments to regulations and guidelines 5/2015 on the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities and of credit spread risk enter into force on 30 June 2023
- Significant shortcomings in the organisation and quality of the outsourced compliance function of investment firms, fund management companies and alternative investment fund managers
- FIN-FSA’s AML supervision strategy has been published
- Regulations and guidelines 1/2014: Amendment of FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines on risk reporting by credit institutions
- Entry into force of changes to regulations and guidelines on reporting of mortgage bank operations postponed from end of June to end of September
- Regulations and guidelines 26/2013: Amendment to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines on Common European Reporting
- Need for correction in the adoption of the new definition of default by FIN-FSA-supervised banks applying the Standardised Approach
- Thematic assessment: Insurance companies must ensure the good repute of their agents
- Board of Financial Supervisory Authority extends period of application of risk weight floors for residential and commercial real estate exposures located in Norway
- Information about changes to opening secure email received from the Financial Supervisory Authority
- A thematic review: Room for development in reporting the costs of investment services and products to clients
- A summary of the FIN-FSA’s risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing for capital market participants has been published
- Supervision focuses on economic uncertainty, cyber security and longterm changes in the operating environment
- FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 1/2021: Amendment to G-SII guidelines
- Changes to regulations and guidelines on reporting of mortgage bank operations enter into force on 30 June 2023
- Method of submitting incident reports will change
- UCITS and non-UCITS investment funds’ asset valuation processes mainly reasonable
- A summary of the FIN-FSA’s risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing for the credit institution sector has been published
- Amendments to regulations and guidelines 5/2019 related to the Capital Requirements Regulation
- Thematic review: Room for development in the ILAAP methodologies of banks directly supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 1/2015: Life and non-life undertakings, Solvency II -guidelines part I
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s recommendation on Ukrainian refugees’ identity verification and opportunities to access basic banking services
- Amendment of regulations and guidelines concerning EBA ITS data collections 20/2013, 26/2013, 6/2014, 3/2020 and 5/2021, and termination of validity of regulations and guidelines 5/2014
- Amendments to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 3/2011 as regards sustainability risks and sustainability factors to be taken into account
- Amendments to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 7/2018 concerning the integration of sustainability factors into product governance obligations and to implement new ESMA Guidelines on appropriateness requirements
- Amendment to regulations and guidelines 9/2014 on the introduction of the LEI code
- Banks under FIN-FSA's direct supervision have shortcomings in identification and management of doubtful receivables and in methods and processes for measurement of expected credit losses
- European Commission has published several new interpretation recommendations on financial sanctions
- Thematic review of the use of new technologies and related risks
- Summary of FIN-FSA’s inherent AML/CFT risk assessment has been published
- FIN-FSA postpones resolution on guidance concerning charges levied on customers for ATM cash withdrawals
- Thematic review: UCITS’ costs and fees
- Financial Supervision Authority urges supervised entities to ensure that guidelines and systems for compliance with sanctions are up-to-date
- Financial Supervision Authority calls for enhanced monitoring of cyber security
- Regulations and guidelines 8/2014 Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector updated
- Decision of the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority on the application of a minimum risk weight for Swedish residential mortgage loans
- The FIN-FSA invites comments on its regulations and guidelines concerning the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing – consultation open until 31.3.2022
- Amendments to regulations and guidelines 2/2015 on the development of recovery plans and early intervention
- Amendments to Regulations and guidelines 5/2019 (Capital Requirements Regulation)
- Regulations and guidelines 15/2021 Assessment of the suitability of members of the management body and key function holders
- Regulations and guidelines 5/2021 on prudential reporting for investment firms published | EBA
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 1 January 2022
- FIN-FSA’s findings from supervision of life and non-life insurance companies in 2021
- The Financial Supervisory Authority has studied the valuation practices for the residential and commercial real estate collateral of banks under its direct supervision
- European Central Bank will not extend liquidity relief into next year
- Taking sustainability risks into account in the supervision of insurance undertakings: regulatory changes and expectations set by supervisors
- FIN-FSA recommendation on compliance with EBA ML/TF Risk Factors Guideline
- Financial Supervision Authority will not extend its recommendation for insurance companies to refrain from dividend distributions
- Responsibility and participation in decision-making of deputy members of the board of insurance companies
- Conditions concerning users of direct electronic access from third countries added to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 14/2013
- ESMA has issued new guidelines concerning fund management companies and alternative investment fund managers
- Financial Supervisory Authority requests comments on guidance for customer pricing of ATM cash withdrawals – comment period ends on 15 September 2021
- The Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority adopts the risk weight floors for Norwegian residential and commercial real estate exposures
- FIN-FSA decides not to extend its recommendation on distribution of credit institutions’ profits beyond 30 September 2021
- Amendments to regulations and guidelines concerning Common European Reporting (COREP)
- Amendments to financial sector regulations and guidelines on reporting of financial information (FINREP)
- Revision to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 7/2018 concerning the MiFID II compliance function requirements
- Guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA) on a sectoral systemic risk buffer
- Revision to Regulations and Guidelines 9/2019 Presentation of information in a prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation
- Discussion paper on the feasibility study of an integrated reporting system out for consultation – submission of comments by 11 June 2021
- Decision of the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority on minimum risk weight for residential mortgage loans in Sweden
- Amendments to FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines Common European Reporting (COREP) and Regulations and guidelines related to the Capital Requirements Regulation
- Amendments to FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines 1/2021 G-SII guidelines
- Updated EBA Guidelines on general loan payment moratoria applied in the light of the COVID-19 crisis incorporated into FIN-FSA’s set of regulations and guidelines
- Sending confidential information to FIN-FSA as secure email
- Amendments to FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines 1/2014 Risk reporting by credit institutions
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 1 January 2021
- FIN-FSA’s findings from supervision of non-life and life insurance companies in 2020
- New recommendation by FIN-FSA on distribution of credit institutions’ profits
- Reporting of fraud data related to payment services – updated reporting template available
- Amendments to regulations and guidelines on the organisation and code of conduct of investment fund activities and on alternative investment fund managers
- Summary of assessment of money laundering risk concerning the life insurance sector has been published
- FIN-FSA letter to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on conditions in the financial markets
- Amendments to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 ‘Submission of electronic supervisory data of an entity operating in the insurance markets to the FIN-FSA’
- EBA publishes discussion paper on integration of ESG risks into risk management and supervision of credit institutions and investment firms – consultation period until 3 February 2021
- EBA’s Guidelines on the treatment of structural FX under Article 352(2) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR) incorporated into the FIN-FSA’s Regulations and guidelines
- New EBA Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring incorporated into FIN-FSA guidelines and regulations
- EBA invites comments on revised Guidelines on major incident reporting – consultation open till 14 December 2020
- FIN-FSA points banks’ attention on the requirement of non-discriminatory treatment of customers in the granting of credit
- EBA issued Guidelines on the pragmatic 2020 supervisory review and evaluation process in light of the COVID-19 crisis
- European Supervisory Authorities’ proposal on the standardisation of sustainability-related disclosures – consultation period until 16 October
- Telephone advice in statutory types of insurance
- Summary of sector-specific assessment of money laundering risk concerning payment service providers has been published
- Updated EBA Guidelines on legislative and non-legislative moratoria on loan repayments applied in the light of the COVID-19 crisis incorporated into FIN-FSA’s set of regulations and guidelines
- Amendments to regulations and guidelines on the organisation and code of conduct of investment fund activities and on alternative investment fund managers
- Questions and answers related to the submission and content of the preparedness plans
- EBA calls for input on so-called de-risking measures taken and their impacts
- Financial Supervisory Authority extends the validity of its profit distribution recommendation until 1 January 2021 and clarifies expectations related to capital and liquidity buffers
- Preparedness plans must be submitted to FIN-FSA by 31 December 2020
- Amendments to the Guidelines on the reporting of funding plans to enter into force on 31 December 2020
- EBA extends the deadline for the application of its Guidelines on payment moratoria in the light of the COVID-19 crisis
- EBA Guidelines on additional reporting and disclosure requirements in the context of COVID-19
- EBA Guidelines on general moratoria on loan repayments applied in the light of the COVID-19 crisis incorporated into the FIN-FSA’s set of regulations and guidelines
- The Financial Supervisory Authority has assessed the organisation of the compliance function in non-life insurance and life insurance companies
- EBA opinion on obstacles related to PSD2 dedicated interfaces
- Financial Supervisory Authority statement on a simplified customer due diligence procedure – private road maintenance associations and joint ownership associations managing common water areas
- Loan payment restructuring events in the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic
- EBA measures to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Coronavirus pandemic increases new criminal earning opportunities
- Decision of the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority on lowering the additional capital requirements for credit institutions
- FIN-FSA issues recommendation to insurance companies to refrain from dividend distributions and payment of large amounts of variable remuneration
- EBA Guidelines on legislative and non-legislative moratoria on loan repayments applied in the light of the COVID-19 crisis
- Additional time for reporting of e-commerce card-based transaction statistics
- EBA invites comments on revised Risk Factors Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing – consultation open until 6 July 2020
- Financial Supervisory Authority refines recommendation on refraining from dividend distributions
- FIN-FSA issues recommendation to supervised banks to refrain from dividend distributions - yesterday evening the ECB published a corresponding recommendation to banks under its direct supervision
- EBA and ESMA to clarify the prudential framework, IFRS 9 and consumer protection due to the coronavirus epidemic
- Extension of time for reporting by non-life and life insurance companies to minimise the impacts of the coronavirus situation
- Supervised entities reasonably well-prepared for the pandemic
- EIOPA requests information for Solvency II review of non-life and life insurance companies’ solvency and supervisory framework
- Group insurance and self-funded group insurance
- Amended regulations and guidelines 4/2018: Management of credit risk by supervised entities in the financial sector 10.2.2020
- Thematic review on the arrangement of supervision by investment service providers for suspicious transactions and orders
- FIN-FSA survey into the impacts of the reference rate reform on credit institutions
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s findings in supervision of life and non-life insurance companies during 2019
- Charging negative interest rates on consumer customer deposits
- Regulations and Guidelines 9/2019 on presentation of information in a prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation enter into force on 4 December 2019
- Regulations and guidelines 8/2014 Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector updated
- Financial Supervisory Authority complies with EBA-proposed additional time for strong customer authentication in e-commerce card-based payments – requirements must be implemented by 31 December 2020
- Mandatory indemnity insurance for insurance brokers – both the broker and the company providing insurance must ensure the legal coverage of indemnity insurance
- Financial Supervisory Authority permits temporary exemptions for implementation of strong customer authentication in online card payments
- Regulations and guidelines related to the Capital Requirements Regulation enter into force on 1 September 2019
- EIOPA launches two consultations: outsourcing to cloud service providers and Solvency II supervisory reporting and public disclosure
- EBA published a consultation on 27 June on its technical standards related to market risk as well as a data collection and roadmap to upcoming regulation
- Providing equity savings accounts and equity savings account agreements to customers
- FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 4/2019 concerning virtual currency providers enter into force on 1 July 2019
- Reporting of fraud data related to payment services
- Thematic review on the organisation of depositary activities
- New security requirements for strong customer authentication in payment services
- Principles for determining the size of penalty payments and administrative fines
- EBA, EIOPA and ESMA launch consultations on technical standards on the reporting of intra-group transactions and risk concentration for Financial Conglomerates – the consultation runs until 15 August 2019
- EBA issued Guidelines on the STS criteria for securitisation
- Virtual currency providers to be supervised by the FIN-FSA – briefing for virtual currency providers on 15 May
- EBA published guidelines on specification of types of exposures to be associated with high risk
- Applying for an exemption from maintaining a contingency mechanism for a PSD2 dedicated interface
- The FIN-FSA’s regulations and guidelines 2/2019 related to the EBA Guidelines on institutions’ stress testing, to take effect on 26 March 2019
- Amendments to the Guidelines on the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities to take effect on 30 June 2019
- Thematic evaluation of key information documents required by PRIIPs regulation
- ITS on Reporting for credit institutions as of 31 December 2018 | EBA Reporting framework 2.8 (DPM | EBA
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s new website
- Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 "Submission of electronic supervisory data of an entity operating in the insurance markets to the FIN-FSA"
- Reporting on risks and controls concerning anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism – data to be submitted by 31 March 2019
- Applying for bank IDs and mobile certificates at a service point to require a passport or identity card
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 1 September 2018
- Review of the regulatory framework for contingency planning in financial sector – memorandum on a draft Government Bill launched for consultation from the 16th August until 27th September 2018
- Effective dates for ESMA decisions on product intervention measures
- S reporting, State of the banking system, to change
- EU Network and Information Systems Directive implemented nationally on 9 May 2018
- European Supervisory Authorities have published guidelines on prevention of abuse of fund transfers in money laundering and terrorist financing
- ESMA to prohibit binary options and restrict CFDs to protect retail investors
- Consumer credit study – criteria for granting credit have loosened and regulatory compliance shortcomings are evident in credit institutions
- FIN-FSA updates error reporting form
- Change to reporting of 15% minimum risk weight on residential mortgage loans
- Updates to authorisations and registrations issued under the Payment Institutions Act due to the amendment of the Act
- Liquidity risk reporting (M report) to end
- Amendment of Regulations and guidelines 8/2014 and 8/2016
- Updates to FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines due to national transposition of MiFID II
- FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines on retail deposits subject to different outflows for purposes of liquidity reporting repealed on 23 January 2018
- FIN-FSA statement on PSD2 transitional issues
- European Commission issues Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – EBA Reporting framework 2.7 (DPM for application as of 31 March 2018, the changes apply to the reporting of banks and financial institutions
- Reporting of 15% minimum risk weight on residential mortgage loans
- Submission to Financial Supervisory Authority of Key Information Documents required by PRIIPs regulation – regulation enters into force on 1 January 2018
- The EBA has published translations of the Guidelines on the assessment of ICT risks
- LEI code compulsory for entities in transaction reporting of financial instruments and in EMIR reporting
- FIN-FSA supervision fees for 2017
- The FIN-FSA has assessed the organisation and quality of the compliance function of investment firms, fund management companies and alternative fund managers
- FIN-FSA amends Regulations and guidelines 3/2015 on calculation of maximum loan-to-value ratio – amendments to take effect on 1 October 2017
- ECB launches consultation on guide to on-site inspections and internal model investigations – consultation ends on 15 September
- Commission consultation on transparency and fees in cross-border transactions in the EU – deadline for responses 30 October
- Financial Supervisory Authority considers amendment to Regulations and guidelines 3/2015 regarding calculation of the loan-to-collateral ratio
- EBA launches CVA risk monitoring exercise for 2016
- Revisions to Regulations and guidelines 25/2013 “Capital requirements calculation and large exposures” enter into force 1 January 2021
- Fee factors used for the calculation of the annual supervisory fees levied by the ECB to be reported to FIN-FSA by 3 July 2017
- Revisions in FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines 6/2013 on Securities offerings and listings
- Criteria for participation in the payment system of Automatia Pankkiautomaatit Oy
- FIN-FSA phone numbers to change on 2 May 2017
- Public consultation by the ECB: draft amendments to the ECB regulation on reporting of supervisory financial information – consultation is open until 27 March
- Revisions to Regulations and guidelines 25/2013 'Capital requirements calculation and large exposures' enter into force on 1 March 2017
- Regulations and guidelines 1/2014: Risk reporting by credit institutions enters into force on 1 February 2017
- Exchange of collateral with respect to OTC derivatives contracts of financial counterparties to become mandatory
- Guidelines on delay in disclosure of inside information enter into force on 20.12.2016
- Revisions to debt instruments and standard terms of debt
- Changes introduced by IFRS 9 in the reporting of financial information by financial sector entities (FINREP)
- Changes to ITS-based supervisory reporting for the financial sector at the turn of the year
- EBA seeks views on revised standards on supervisory reporting
- Amendments of regulations and guidelines 25/2013 on capital requirements calculations and large exposures enter into force on 15 September 2016
- Changes in regulations and guidelines on the development of recovery plans and early intervention
- Amendments to credit institutions’ supervisory reporting of the leverage ratio
- Launch of new reporting on credit institutions' liquidity coverage requirement (LCR) and changes in the reporting of significant currencies in liquidity reporting
- Contactless payment cards
- Changes in FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines on the securities market
- Financial Reporting (FINREP) as of reporting date 30 June 2016
- FIN-FSA Conference on 4 October 2016: Opportunities and threats of digitalisation in the financial services sector
- Regulations and guidelines 1/2014 Risk reporting by credit institutions enters into force on 1 July 2016
- Commission Implementing Regulation with regard to additional monitoring metrics for liquidity reporting adopted on 1 March 2016
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 15 March 2016
- Dispute settlement required by the Regulation on interchange fees
- FINREP XBRL reporting
- Guideline specifying the conditions for group financial support to enter into force on 9 February 2016
- Consultation by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) on automation in financial advice
- Guidelines on the management of interest rate risk in the banking book enter into force on 1 January 2016
- Regulations and guidelines on the calculation of loan-to-value ratio enter into force on 1 July 2016
- Changes in FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines on the securities market
- Twitter enables quick information on statements and consultations of EU financial supervisory authorities
- Entry into force of a Recommendation and Guidelines on the development of recovery plans and early intervention
- EBA has issued guidelines on the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities, to take effect at the start of 2016
- FIN-FSA supervision fees for 2015
- EBA recommendation to the EU Commission: maturity ladder template should stay in ITS on additional liquidity monitoring metrics
- Commission intends to amend EBA’s draft ITS on additional liquidity monitoring metrics (AMM)
- Reporting of additional liquidity monitoring metrics AMM
- Supervisory fees of the European Central Bank: Auditor's statement
- Revision of Regulations and guidelines 1/2014 and discontinuing of J reporting (table J01F) on overdue and nonperforming assets and impairment losses
- Starting dates for submission of information during Solvency II preparatory phase has changed
- EIOPA to launch quantitative assessment and stress testing of occupational pension institutions; Finland not to take part
- Collection of supervisory fee data by the European Central Bank
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 1 May 2015
- Principles for determining the size of penalty payments and administrative fines and abolishment of the table of indicative administrative fines
- Reporting applications that support COREP, AIFMD and Asset Encumbrance (AE) reporting and updated descriptions of electronic reporting published
- Financial sector reporting of funding plans – Regulations and guidelines into force on 30 June 2015
- Financial sector reporting on asset encumbrance – Regulations and guidelines into force on 31 December 2014
- European Banking Authority (EBA) issues revised list of ITS validation rules
- Changes in regulations and guidelines 25/2013 on capital requirements calculation and large exposures
- Public consultation by the ECB: draft Regulation on reporting of supervisory financial information
- Organisation of the Financial Supervisory Authority to change with effect from 1 August – Market Supervision and Conduct of Business Supervision Departments merge
- Reporting application for pan-European COREP reporting released
- FIN-FSA observations on transaction reporting and a new reporting example
- Introduction of reporting application for pan-European COREP reporting postponed
- Extension of due date for submission of financial reports (FINREP) reflecting the situation as at 30 June 2014
- Registry opening hours to change on 1 May 2014
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 11 April 2014
- Regulations and guidelines 1/2014: Risk reporting by credit institutions will enter into force on 31 March 2014
- Financial sector regulations and guidelines on reporting of financial information (FINREP)
- ESMA publishes guidelines on the reporting obligations for alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)
- Key Investor Information Documents (KIID) of Finnish investment funds – some improvement in clarity still needed
- Abrogation of FIN-FSA regulations, guidelines, interpretations and statements
- Changes to the table of indicative administrative fines
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 26 April 2013
- New schedule of processing fees to take effect on 12 March 2013
- Specifications to the procedures for supervisory review of the capital adequacy assessment
- Changes to the table of indicative administrative fines
Press releases
- Strong capital position protects the financial sector from risks – increased uncertainty in the economy and financial market
- Combined penalty payment of EUR 100,000 to Savcor Technologies Oy for omissions to notify managers’ transactions
- Combined penalty payment of EUR 30,000 to BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc for omissions concerning listed companies’ notification obligation
- Combined penalty payments imposed on three natural persons for late notification of managers’ transactions
- Application of DORA has started – FIN-FSA to focus on the management of ICT risks and cyber-threats in its supervision
- Significant real estate risks in the Finnish financial sector – mitigated by strong buffers
- Macroprudential decision: No changes to macroprudential instruments – both the housing loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer requirement for banks to remain unchanged
- Penalty payments to three natural persons for late notification deadlines of managers’ transaction
- Financial sector's capital position as at 30 September 2024: The solvency of the Finnish financial sector remained strong amid increasing geopolitical uncertainty
- Helsinki Administrative Court issued its decision on appeal by Ermitage Partners Oy
- Penalty payments to three companies for late notification of managers’ transaction
- Differences in Finnish banks’ impairment staging of loans – Timely and adequate loan loss provisioning requires effective credit risk management
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer requirement for banks remain unchanged
- Financial sector's capital position as at 30 June 2024: Sluggish economic growth and geopolitical tensions have maintained the financial sector's risks at a high level – capital position has remained strong
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap and capital buffer requirements for banks remain unchanged
- Financial sector's capital position as at 31 March 2024: Finnish financial sector’s solvency remained strong in an uncertain operating environment
- FIN-FSA surveyed the availability and pricing of basic banking services - no significant changes in availability or pricing compared with the past
- Penalty payment of EUR 15,000 to Alami Services Oy for failures in compliance with AML regulation
- Penalty payment of EUR 25,000 to Roble Services Oy for failures in compliance with AML regulation
- Request by the FIN-FSA for police investigation concerning Oma Savings Bank
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer requirement for banks remain unchanged
- FIN-FSA’s assessment: some consumer lenders fail to manage default risks adequately, shortcomings also in contract terms
- Payment-related frauds and scams are a growing phenomenon – Financial Supervisory Authority investigation reveals scope for improving security of banking transactions
- Strong year in financial sector despite uncertain operating environment – economic developments and geopolitical situation the most significant risks also in 2024
- Penalty payment imposed on former board member of listed company for violation of prohibition on transactions
- Administrative fine imposed on Keva for failures in reporting derivative contracts
- Finnish banks’ liquidity position stable but vulnerable to severe and long disruptions
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap restored to baseline level of 90% – banks’ countercyclical capital buffer requirement remains unchanged
- FIN-FSA Board appointed for 2024–2026
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 30 September 2023: Solvency has remained strong – uncertainty caused by the geopolitical situation underlines the importance of solvency and risk management
- Marko Myller appointed Head of Banking Supervision at Financial Supervisory Authority
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) requirement for banks unchanged – housing loan cap to also cover other lenders transferred under FIN-FSA supervision
- Subdued economic outlook is weakening the financial sector's operating environment – real estate market risks particularly increasing
- Public warning to Pohjola Insurance Ltd for non-compliance with time limits under Workers’ Compensation Act and provisions concerning system of governance
- IMF published a report on anti-money laundering in Nordic and Baltic countries – supervision could be enhanced by increasing cross-border information exchange
- Results of Finnish banks’ stress tests – banks’ resilience good, but a significant weakening of the operating environment would erode buffers
- It is important for banks to ensure the availability of personal customer service and reasonably priced basic banking services
- Early signs of growth in Finnish banks’ credit risks – environment of elevated risks highlights the importance of appropriate impairment staging of borrowers
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) requirement for banks remain unchanged
- Companies granting consumer credit to be supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority from 1 July 2023
- FIN-FSA prohibits Ermitage Partners Oy from providing investment services without authorisation
- Financial sector's capital position as at 31 March 2023: The Finnish financial sector's capital position has remained good - risks in the operating environment still high
- FIN-FSA published AML supervision strategy - effectiveness of sanctions monitoring to be improved by legislative reform
- Macroprudential decision: Systemic risk buffer set for banks, loan cap remains unchanged
- Finnish financial sector’s capital position strong - supervision in 2023 focuses on the risks caused by the uncertain operating environment
- Administrative fine imposed on Bank of Åland Plc for failures in reporting on derivatives contracts
- Liisa Siika-aho appointed to the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- FIN-FSA withdraws Nada express osk’s registration under the Act on Payment Institutions to provide payment service without authorisation
- Macroprudential decision: Loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer requirement remain unchanged, FIN-FSA preparing to activate systemic risk buffer
- In anti-money laundering practices, it is important to strike a balance between managing risks and ensuring a level financial playing field
- Changes in the FIN-FSA Board
- Financial sector capital position as at 30 September 2022: Gloomier outlook for operating environment highlights importance of solvency, risk management and internal control
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Eisler Capital (UK) Ltd for delay in short position notifications intended for public disclosure
- Measures aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist financing should be targeted according to the actual risk - risk management methods are emphasised in supervision
- Janne Häyrynen to head Legal Unit at the FIN-FSA
- Macroprudential decision: Loan cap remains unchanged
- Finnish financial sector's capital position is strong, despite the weaker operating environment - the FIN-FSA is paying particular attention to risk management
- Changes in the FIN-FSA Board
- Administrative fine imposed on S-Bank Plc for failures in reporting on derivatives contracts
- FIN-FSA issues decision to S-Bank Plc on establishment of certain groups of connected clients
- Macroprudential decision: Recommendation on mortgage borrowers’ maximum debt-servicing burden – credit institutions’ capital requirements also reviewed
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 31 March 2022: Finnish financial sector’s good capital position increasingly important – uncertainty marks the operating environment and risks are elevated
- Penalty payment of EUR 125,000 for LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd due to omissions concerning arrangements for transaction reporting
- Tero Kurenmaa appointed as FIN-FSA Director General
- Authorised representative’s supervision of Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company to end
- Penalty payment of EUR 25,000 and public warning for Nada express osk due to omissions concerning compliance with anti-money laundering regulations
- Penalty payment of EUR 10,000 and public warning for Halgan Services Oy due to omissions concerning compliance with anti-money laundering regulations
- Important for banks to ensure availability of non-digital services and reasonable pricing of services
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap remains at 85%, Russia’s war in Ukraine and international economic developments may lead to tightening of financing conditions
- Finnish financial sector's capital position provides buffer against weaker economic outlook - important to prepare for higher risk levels
- Enhanced monitoring of situation in financial sector, sanctions enforcement and cyber risk preparedness
- A total of 14 applications submitted for the post of Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- The European Systemic Risk Board issues warnings and recommendations to EU countries on macroprudential risks and their mitigation
- Helsinki Administrative Court rejects appeal by Privanet Capital Markets Ltd against penalty payment imposed by FIN-FSA
- Applications invited for position of FIN-FSA Director General
- Macroprudential decision: Loan cap remains at 85%; lenders are recommended to exercise restraint in granting loans that are large relative to income and have a long repayment period
- Results published for the stress tests of European insurance companies
- Anneli Tuominen appointed ECB representative on Supervisory Board
- Finnish financial sector's capital position as at 30 September 2021: only minor changes
- Virtual currencies may only be marketed in Finland by providers registered here
- FIN-FSA conference: EU financial markets today and in the future
- Macroprudential decision: Loan cap remains at 85%, no changes to banks’ countercyclical capital buffer requirement
- FIN-FSA imposes a penalty payment and a public warning on POP Bank Centre coop
- FIN-FSA imposes a penalty payment of EUR 1,650,000 on S-Bank Plc for omissions in the detection of suspicious transactions
- Finnish financial sector is stable - economy is recovering but risks remain high
- Results of the EU-wide stress tests: Finnish banking sector’s solvency would withstand a strong weakening in the operating environment
- FIN-FSA decides not to extend its recommendation on distribution of credit institutions’ profits beyond 30 September 2021
- Financial Supervisory Authority withdraws authorisation of Privanet Securities Ltd
- Macroprudential decision: Housing loan cap for residential mortgage loans other than first-home loans to be set at 85%
- Financial Supervisory Authority becomes member of Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)
- Financial sector's capital position as at 31 March 2021: Finnish financial sector's capital position remained good
- Tero Kurenmaa to head Legal Unit at the FIN-FSA
- Room for development remains in UCITS liquidity management
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA will not tighten macroprudential requirements but will closely monitor mortgage lending
- Finnish financial sector remained stable in 2020 - Risks in the operating environment mean continued uncertainty in the sector
- FIN-FSA appoints authorised representative to supervise the activities of Privanet Securities Ltd
- Helsinki Administrative Court rejected Afarak Group Plc’s appeal on penalty payment imposed by FIN-FSA
- Nordic-Baltic countries engage the IMF to conduct an analysis of cross-border money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the region
- Attention must be paid in investor material about investment-based crowdfunding to describing risks and financial situation
- New recommendation by FIN-FSA on distribution of credit institutions’ profits
- Macroprudential decision: Uncertain economic outlook continues, housing loan cap and banks’ additional capital requirements remain unchanged
- FIN-FSA appoints authorised representative to supervise the activities of Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 30 September 2020: Finnish financial sector's capital position strengthened slightly as economy recovered – impacts of the coronavirus pandemic will become evident with a lag, however
- FIN-FSA Board appointed for 2021-2023
- Financial Supervisory Authority survey: Digitalisation of basic banking services is continuing strongly – banks, however, must continue to take all customer groups into account in provision of services
- Administrative fine imposed on Aktia Bank Plc for incorrect FINREP reporting
- FIN-FSA completes review of Nokia Corporation’s information disclosure
- Macroprudential decision: Countercyclical capital buffer requirement and housing loan cap remain unchanged, credit institutions’ risk weight floor discontinued
- Finnish financial sector has so far withstood the effects of the coronavirus pandemic well - operating environment remains uncertain, however
- FIN-FSA ordered supplementary amounts of conditional fine imposed on Danko Koncar payable
- Financial Supervisory Authority extends the validity of its profit distribution recommendation until 1 January 2021 and clarifies expectations related to capital and liquidity buffers
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payment and public warning on Privanet Capital Markets Ltd for actions in the marketing and sales of Lapis Group shares and debt certificates
- Macroprudential decision: Residential mortgage loan cap to be relaxed, countercyclical capital buffer rate remains unchanged at 0.0 percent
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payment on Evli Fund Management Company Ltd for delay in notification of major holdings
- Banking sector capital position as at 31 March 2020: banks’ capital ratios were weakened by market volatility, but the surplus of own funds increased as a result of the easing of additional capital requirements
- Solvency of life and non-life insurance companies and pension insurance companies as at 31 March 2020: Life and non-life insurance companies’ solvency at a good level and pension sector’s at a moderate level
- Supreme Administrative Court did not grant Danko Koncar permission to appeal – FIN-FSA decisions now legally binding
- Credit institutions’ additional capital requirements to ease in accordance with FIN-FSA Board’s preliminary decision
- FIN-FSA issues recommendation to supervised banks to refrain from dividend distributions - yesterday evening the ECB published a corresponding recommendation to banks under its direct supervision
- European Central Bank elaborated on its guidance on regulatory flexibility – FIN-FSA: All measures must be channelled to alleviating the impacts of the pandemic
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA Board lowers credit institutions’ capital requirements
- Financial sector solvency provides buffer to face economic problems caused by coronavirus
- Decision of the European Securities and Markets Authority: smaller short positions than before must be reported to national supervisors
- Financial Supervisory Authority enhances monitoring of financial sector
- FIN-FSA notification to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on exceptional circumstances in the financial markets
- Banks provided flexibility in additional capital requirements to ensure continuity of operations in response to coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Corona virus contingency planning at the Financial Supervisory Authority
- FIN-FSA’s name used in fraudulent emails
- Finanssivalvonnan nimeä käytetään huijausyrityksissä
- Authorised representative oversight of Pohjantähti Mutual Insurance Company ends
- Strategy of the Financial Supervisory Authority 2020-2022: Supervision will focus on impacts and risks of digitalisation and climate change on the financial sector and prevention of money laundering
- Strategy of the Financial Supervisory Authority 2020−2022: Supervision will focus on impacts and risks of digitalisation and climate change on the financial sector and prevention of money laundering
- Financial Supervisory Authority prohibits ICON Corporation Ltd from managing alternative investment funds and providing investment services without authorisation
- Financial Supervisory Authority prohibits ICON Corporation Ltd from managing alternative investment funds and providing investment services without authorisation
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payment on S-Bank Ltd and issues public warning to FIM Asset Management Ltd for omissions in customer due diligence
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payment on S-Bank Ltd and issues public warning to FIM Asset Management Ltd for omissions in customer due diligence
- Macroprudential decision: Residential mortgage loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer unchanged
- Macroprudential decision: Residential mortgage loan cap and countercyclical capital buffer unchanged
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 30 September 2019: Finnish financial sector’s capital position remains good
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 30 September 2019: Finnish financial sector’s capital position remains good
- Financial Supervisory Authority survey: safeguarding basic banking services requires easy-to-use digital services and alternative service options
- Financial Supervisory Authority survey: safeguarding basic banking services requires easy-to-use digital services and alternative service options
- Financial Supervisory Authority seminar: Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and data use are transforming financial services. What does this mean for the customer?
- Financial Supervisory Authority seminar: Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and data use are transforming financial services. What does this mean for the customer?
- The Financial Supervisory Authority granted five registrations as virtual currency provider – scope of supervision is the prevention of money laundering
- The Financial Supervisory Authority granted five registrations as virtual currency provider – scope of supervision is the prevention of money laundering
- Financial Supervisory Authority: Pension insurance companies must remain within their field of business
- Financial Supervisory Authority: Pension insurance companies must remain within their field of business
- Macroprudential decision: Loan cap and risk weight floor for residential mortgage loans unchanged - High level of debt increases households’ vulnerability to weakening economic situation
- Macroprudential decision: Loan cap and risk weight floor for residential mortgage loans unchanged - High level of debt increases households’ vulnerability to weakening economic situation
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payment of EUR 1 450 000 on Afarak Group Plc for failures relating to disclosure of inside information and maintenance of insider lists
- The European Systemic Risk Board recommends new borrower-based macroprudential measures to Finland – recommendations and warnings also to 10 other EEA countries
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 30 June 2019: Weaker economic cycle weighs on the Finnish banking and insurance sector
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 30 June 2019: Weaker economic cycle weighs on the Finnish banking and insurance sector
- Financial Supervisory Authority permits temporary exemptions for implementation of strong customer authentication in online card payments
- Report on anti-money laundering and its implementation in Europe emphasises need for sufficient supervision resources and importance of international cooperation
- ECB concludes comprehensive assessment of Nordea Bank Abp
- Macroprudential decision: Credit institutions’ systemic risk buffers unchanged
- FIN-FSA statement: Changes to the use of online banking code lists
- FIN-FSA ordered supplementary amounts of conditional fine imposed on Danko Koncar payable
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 31 March 2019: Finnish financial sector’s capital position remained good
- Virtual currency providers to be covered by supervision of anti-money laundering – Supervision will not extend investor protection to virtual currencies
- Nordic and Baltic financial supervisors enhance cooperation to fight money laundering
- Armi Taipale to head Capital Markets Supervision at the FIN-FSA
- Financial Supervisory Authority strengthens anti-money laundering supervision – European supervision will also be enhanced
- Interpretation on shares as repayable funds
- Macroprudential decision: Slowing economic growth underlines careful assessment of borrowers’ ability to pay
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 31 December 2018: Finnish financial sector's capital position remained good, despite a steep decline in share prices
- FIN-FSA Annual Report 2018: Supervision of anti-money laundering and digitalisation has been strengthened
- The Helsinki Administrative Court issued its decisions on appeals by Danko Koncar
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payments to three companies for delays in notification of major holdings
- Macroprudential decision: Nordea Bank Oyj will not become a global systemically important credit institution (G-SII) as of 1 January 2020
- Macroprudential decision: Countercyclical capital buffer rate and loan cap unchanged, importance of assessing financial margin underlined
- Finnish insurance sector would maintain its solvency in weakening of investment markets
- Anneli Tuominen continues as Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Financial sector's capital position as at 30 September 2018: Capital position of the Finnish financial sector has remained strong
- FIN-FSA conference 28 November 2018: Household indebtedness is increasing – we need new tools to counter the situation
- Survey of availability and pricing of basic banking services – advances in online and digital services, further weakening in availability of non-digital services
- Results of the EU-wide stress test of banks: Finnish banking sector would withstand a weakening in the operating environment
- Macroprudential decision: countercyclical capital buffer rate and loan cap unchanged
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 30 June 2018: Finnish financial sector stable − but contingencies must be made for abrupt corrections
- FIN-FSA issues public warning to pension fund Reka Eläkekassa for omissions concerning risk management of investment activities and organisation of corporate governance
- FIN-FSA imposes penalty payment of EUR 50,000 on Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj for violation of disclosure obligation
- FIN-FSA issues public warning to and imposes penalty payment on Aalto Bankers Ltd
- FIN-FSA issues public warning to Unemployment Fund of the Construction Sector for breach of internal control and risk management requirements
- FIN-FSA ordered conditional fine imposed on Danko Koncar payable
- Macroprudential decision concerning countercyclical capital buffer and maximum loan-to-collateral ratio: FIN-FSA does not impose a countercyclical capital buffer requirement on credit institutions and keeps housing loan cap unchanged
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s macroprudential decision on structural additional capital requirements: systemic risk buffer to be imposed on credit institutions
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 31 March 2018: Finland’s financial sector as a whole remained strong
- Risks increasing in construction-stage financing and housing corporation loans
- FIN-FSA appoints an authorised representative to oversee the ongoing activities of Pohjantähti Mutual Insurance Company
- FIN-FSA has corrected data on fund management companies
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes a penalty payment of EUR 400,000 on Nordea Bank AB (publ), Finnish Branch for omissions concerning transaction reporting
- Shortcomings in outsourcing practices of non-life and life insurance companies
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA does not impose a countercyclical capital buffer requirement on credit institutions
- Macroprudential decision: Financial Supervisory Authority tightens the loan cap for loans other than for first home purchases
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 31 December 2017: The financial sector has remained stable, but households' growing indebtedness is increasing risks
- Nordea's move to Finland expands banking sector and equalises competition
- Lasse Heiniö appointed to the FIN-FSA Board
- FIN-FSA Annual Report 2017: Financial sector has remained stable
- FIN-FSA obliges Danko Koncar to launch takeover bid for Afarak Group Plc shares – enforced by running conditional fine
- Marja Nykänen to chair FIN-FSA Board
- Financial Supervisory Authority interpretation on pricing of cash withdrawals
- Insurance activities require authorisation – verify who you are dealing with
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA ready to restrict maximum LTC ratio should risks relating to household indebtedness increase further
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s budget for 2018 confirmed: personnel resources to be strengthened
- FIN-FSA Board appointed for 2018–2020
- Financial sector's capital position as at 30 September 2017: Financial sector stable, life and non-life insurance companies’ premium income unchanged
- Financial Services in 2022: Finland has what it takes to be a FinTech frontrunner
- Financial Supervisory Authority warning: cryptocurrencies and ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) are high-risk investments
- FIN-FSA issues public warning to Finnish P&C Insurance Ltd for breach of risk management requirements
- Macroprudential decision: No changes to macroprudential instruments. Housing loan repayment periods and interest-only periods being monitored. Rise in risk weight to take effect 1 January 2018.
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 30 June 2017: Financial sector stable, risk management increasingly important
- New appointments at the FIN-FSA
- Minimum risk weights on mortgage loans will rise to 15% on 1 January 2018, the European Commission did not object to the FIN-FSA’s decision
- Kaisa Forsström to head Insurance Supervision at the FIN-FSA
- Macroprudential decision: A minimum risk weight level of 15% on mortgage loans, no changes to the loan cap, no countercyclical capital buffer requirement
- Financial sector’s capital position as at 31 March 2017: Financial sector stable, banking sector’s capital position strong, insurance sector’s good
- Financial Supervisory Authority will not seek permission from the Supreme Administrative Court to appeal in the matter concerning document publicity
- Decision by the Helsinki Administrative Court on a complaint regarding document publicity
- Macroprudential decision: Preparations for setting a higher minimum level than previously intended for average risk weights on mortgage loans, no changes to maximum loan-to-collateral for mortgage loans or to countercyclical capital buffer
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities as at 31 December 2016: Financial sector stable, profitability burdened by low interest rates, digitalisation requires investment
- Financial Supervisory Authority issues public warnings to and imposes penalty payments on four companies
- Annual Report 2016: Financial sector stable, concerns about household debt burden and appropriateness of investment advice
- Olli Rehn to chair FIN-FSA Board
- Samu Kurri to head Institutional Supervision at the FIN-FSA
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA decides there will be no increase to countercyclical capital buffer requirement applicable to banks, nor restriction to maximum loan-to-value ratio for residential mortgage loans
- Position of Finnish life and non-life insurance sectors as at 30 September 2016: Solvency good, no surprises in stress test results
- Supreme Administrative Court issues decision on penalty payment imposed on Navi Group Ltd (currently Privanet Capital Markets Ltd)
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes penalty payments of EUR 5,000 to Ixonos Plc and Takoma Oyj
- IMF country assessment: Finnish financial system stable, supervision intensity stepped up
- Capital position of banking and employee pension sector 30 September 2016: Banks' capital adequacy still strong, employee pension sector's solvency ratio solid
- Warning issued by the European Systemic Risk Board to Finland and seven other EU countries
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes penalty payment of EUR 35,000 on Investors House Oyj
- Situation of Finnish life and non-life insurance sectors as at 30 June 2016: Life and non-life insurance sectors display good Solvency II capital levels
- Opportunities and threats of digitalisation in the financial services sector: Has the Finnish financial sector awoken to the challenges of FinTech?
- The Financial Supervisory Authority opens an Innovation HelpDesk
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA decides there will be no increase to countercyclical capital buffer requirement applicable to banks, nor restriction to maximum loan-to-value ratio for residential mortgage loans
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 2/2016: Finnish banking sector's profitability weaker, solvency ratio of employee pension sector remained solid – challenges remain
- EBA stress test: capital levels of largest banks operating in Finland remained good also in stress scenario
- FIN-FSA issues a public warning to Helsinki Area Cooperative Bank for misleading marketing
- Macroprudential decision: A minimum level for risk weights on housing loans, capital buffer requirement remains at zero
- FIN-FSA issues a public warning to FIT Biotech Ltd
- FIN-FSA imposes an administrative fine on Capstone Volatility Master (Cayman) Limited for delay in notification of a short position subject to public disclosure
- Position of banking and employee pension insurance sectors as at 31 March 2016:
- Market Court refused appeal by Noster Credit Opportunities Master Fund Limited against administrative fine imposed by FIN-FSA
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA will not increase the countercyclical capital buffer requirement applicable to banks, and continues its preparations for setting higher risk weights on housing loans
- Annual Report 2015: Digitalisation transforms service concepts in the financial sector
- Position of banking and employee pension insurance sectors as at 31 December 2015: Domestic banking sector improved its profitability and strengthened its capital adequacy
- Employee pension insurance companies’ activities aimed at the management of the risk of disability: Regulations and guidelines enter into force on 1 March 2016
- Banks' procedures in obtaining customer due diligence data
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA will not impose a countercyclical capital buffer requirement on banks, but will begin preparations for setting higher risk weights on housing loans
- FIN-FSA imposes an administrative fine on Carlson Capital UK LLP for delay in notification of short positions subject to public disclosure
- Capital position of banking and insurance sectors 30 September 2015: Capital position still at a good level
- ECB’s comprehensive assessment of 9 banks completed; Municipality Finance Plc will become subject to ECB supervision
- Market Court issued its ruling on Navi Group Ltd’s appeal against the penalty payment imposed by the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA does not impose countercyclical capital buffer requirement on banks
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 2/2015: Finnish financial sector in good condition, but banks' income structure increasingly risky
- Inspection of activities concerning wellbeing at work financed by employee pension companies, 2015: Practices concerning the financing of projects for wellbeing at work vary, risk-based considerations are not guiding the allocation of money
- FIN-FSA imposes two administrative fines on companies belonging to SEB Group for delays in disclosure of major shareholdings
- Macroprudential decision: Systemically important banks in Finland designated and additional capital requirements imposed on them
- Macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA does not impose countercyclical capital buffer requirement on banks
- FIN-FSA Conference on EU Regulation and Supervision 2015: Diversification of funding channels also important in Finland
- FIN-FSA issues two public reprimands to BlackRock companies because of late submission of disclosure notifications
- Capital position of banking and insurance sectors 31 March 2015: Capital position even stronger
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Cevian Capital II Master Fund L.P. for delay in disclosure of major shareholdings
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Finnvera plc. for delay in disclosure of major shareholdings
- FIN-FSA imposes an administrative fine on Noster Credit Opportunities Master Fund Limited for delay in notification of short positions
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 1/2015: Finnish financial sector in good health but must prepare for bursting of the asset price bubble
- First macroprudential decision: FIN-FSA sets no further requirements for banks
- Annual report 2014: The financial sector must prepare for a deterioration in the operating environment
- FIN-FSA imposes three administrative fines for delays in disclosure of major shareholdings
- FIN-FSA Board appointed for 2015–2017
- Capital position of banking and insurance sectors, 30 September 2014, and stress tests: Financial sector well-capitalised, but stress tests highlighted need to prepare for upcoming regulation in the life and non-life insurance sector
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes penalty payment of EUR 100,000 on Navi Group Ltd
- ECB comprehensive assessment: Finnish banks’ capital adequacy remained good also in the stress scenario
- ECB to disclose results of comprehensive assessment of banks on Sunday 26 October
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 2/2014: Finnish financial sector in good health, risks in the operating environment still on the increase
- Banks and insurance companies must ensure investor protection when selling products that strengthen capital adequacy or solvency at solo or consolidated level
- Management appointments at Financial Supervisory Authority – Jarmo Parkkonen to head Market and Conduct of Business Supervision
- FIN-FSA issues public warning to Aurejärvi Wealth Management Ltd.
- Insurance sector solvency 31 March 2014: Generally strong solvency in the Finnish insurance sector
- 3rd FIN-FSA Conference on EU Regulation and Supervision: The Single Supervisory Mechanism is built on a strong foundation, any implications for Nordic banking supervision and regulation must be closely monitored
- Jyri Helenius to head Prudential Supervision at FIN-FSA
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 1/2014: Finnish financial sector in reasonably good health, but operating environment fairly fragile with growing risks
- Annual report 2013: Finnish financial sector should be in the forefront of applying international capital adequacy requirements
- FIN-FSA issues a public warning to Nordea Bank Finland Plc for breach of the Payment Services Act
- Capital position of banking and insurance sector 30 September 2013: Finnish financial sector’s risk-bearing capacity has remained good despite weaker macroeconomic developments
- Anneli Tuominen continues as Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 2/2013: Finnish financial sector capital positions strong, but profitability weaker for many market participants
- Financial Supervisory Authority issues public warning to Eufex Bank Plc
- Financial sector stress test 2013: Capital positions would remain resilient, but profitability would decline markedly
- Capital position of banking and insurance sector 31 March 2013: Finnish financial sector stable, low interest rates reduce banking and insurance sector profitability
- Taaleritehdas Fund Management Ltd fined for violation of Mutual Funds Act limitations on investment of assets
- Financial position and risks of supervised entities 1/2013: Profitability of traditional business operations strained
- Annual Report 2012: Strong risk management essential in weak economic conditions
- A single, strong supervisory system better than a decentralised one
- Financial Supervisory Authority issues public warning to Ålandsbanken Abp
News releases
- FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2024: Cybersecurity and fraud prevention were top of agenda
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s Stakeholder Survey 2024: Level of trust in the Financial Supervisory Authority is good. Raising awareness of its activities will continue.
- Scam attempts in the name of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) and its staff
- ESMA: Euribor Panel to include the National Bank of Greece and OP Corporate Bank
- ECB to stress test 96 euro area banks in 2025
- FIN-FSA is mapping invoicing service companies’ operating models and potential need for licensing
- Statistical survey of motor liability insurance profitability 2019–2023: Result recorded for 2023 was excellent, despite slight decline in underwriting result
- Statistical survey of workers’ compensation insurance 2019–2023: Total result for 2023 best in five-year review period, despite decline in underwriting result
- Macroprudential decisions of the FIN-FSA Board in 2025
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2023: The overall returns of the companies appear good on average and the development trend appears to be upwards – the Financial Supervisory Authority will continue to monitor
- Mikko Heinsalmi appointed Head of Division at new Supervisory Processes division
- Instructions for preparing for incidents and crises have been compiled in the online service
- Enforcement priorities for European supervisors of corporate reporting have been published
- Marko Hovi appointed Head of Division at Investment Products and Services
- Eeva Granskog appointed Head of Division at FIN-FSA’s On-Site Inspection and Internal Models
- FIN-FSA's name being used in scam attempts
- Nordic Baltic Crisis Simulation Exercise, 2024
- ECB concludes cyber resilience stress test
- ESMA has published a statement concerning sustainability reporting and a report on procedures for the enforcement of sustainability information
- New heads of division appointments in Banking Supervision department
- Unemployment funds 2023: earnings-related daily allowance expenditures increased slightly from the previous year
- Information on the entry into force of MiCA and requirements concerning crypto-asset activities added to FIN-FSA website
- FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2023: Strong solvency of financial sector protects against changes in operating environment
- FIN-FSA website pages on Registers and Short Positions will be unavailable Monday 11 March 19:00–20:00 due to maintenance
- IMF published a report on anti-money laundering in Finland
- Statistical survey of motor liability insurance profitability 2018–2022: Result for 2022 driven by excellent underwriting result, investment activities made a loss
- Macroprudential decisions of the FIN-FSA Board in 2024
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2022: Bonuses granted by life insurance companies did not fully take into account the changed economic situation
- Statistical survey of workers’ compensation insurance 2018–2022: Result on insurance activities remained strong in 2022 but investment activities were unprofitable
- Virva Walo appointed Head of Division at FIN-FSA Conduct Supervision of Banks
- Teija Korpiaho EIOPAn johtokunnan jäseneksi
- Unemployment funds 2022: earnings-related daily allowance expenditure, total number of allowance days and number of daily allowance beneficiaries continued to decrease
- Deputy Director General Jyri Helenius assigned as Head of Director General’s Staff at Financial Supervisory Authority
- Armi Taipale appointed member of ESMA’s Management Board
- FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2022: State of the financial sector remained solid, but global events caused turmoil in the operating environment
- Macroprudential decisions of the FIN-FSA Board in 2023
- EIOPA-published statement on inflation highlights need to understand impact of inflation on companies’ business
- FIN-FSA’s new customer service phone number to be introduced on 2 January 2023
- Uncertainty in the virtual currency market – Financial Supervisory Authority is investigating Finnish virtual currency providers’ links with international providers that have encountered problems
- EIOPA’s first IORPs climate stress test shows material exposure to transition risks
- European Central Bank publishes SSM supervisory priorities and assessment of risks and vulnerabilities for 2023‒2025
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s publications to new Institutional Repository (Kaisu)
- Anne-Mari Juutinen appointed Head of Division, On-Site Inspection and Models
- Statistical survey of workers’ compensation insurance 2017–2021: Strong development of result on insurance activities continued in 2021
- Statistical survey of traffic insurance profitability 2017–2021: Results were affected by low interest rate environment, corona and shortened life expectation
- ECB sets deadlines for banks to deal with climate risks
- Maija Vartiainen appointed Head of Division, Life and Non-life Insurance and Supervision of Investment Activities
- Mervi Toivanen appointed as FIN-FSA’s Chief Analyst
- Banks must sharpen their focus on climate risk, ECB supervisory stress test shows
- Arttu Kiviniemi to head Financial Analysis division
- Unemployment funds 2021: earnings-related daily allowance expenditure and the number of allowance days and daily allowance beneficiaries decreased
- Public consultations of the European Commission on the review of regulation concerning payment services and the open finance framework
- FIN-FSA Annual Report 2021: State of the financial sector has remained good, but global economic outlook is affected by many uncertainties
- EU financial regulators warn consumers on the risks of crypto-assets
- Kimmo Kauhanen appointed to head Digitalisation and Analysis department’s Supervision Technologies division
- Reporting threshold for net short positions permanently lowered to 0.1%
- Macroprudential decisions of the FIN-FSA Board in 2022
- Model for cooperation between authorities in a financial crisis revised
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2020: principle of continuity required by principle of equity was generally fulfilled and companies complied with their agreed principles for distribution of bonuses
- Statistical survey of workers’ compensation insurance 2016–2020: 2020 was a peak year for the result on insurance activities
- Statistical survey of motor liability insurance 2016–2020: Number of accidents at a record low level in 2020
- Anne Puustelli utsedd till byråchef för Bankernas riskområden
- Unemployment funds 2020: earnings-related daily allowance expenditure and number of daily allowance beneficiaries increased considerably, and application processing times lengthened
- Change of deputy member of the FIN-FSA Board
- Anneli Tuominen named Interim Chair of ESMA
- Macroprudential decisions of the FIN-FSA Board in 2021
- Reporting threshold for net short positions returns to 0.2%
- Vakuutusvalvonnan Vahinko- ja henkivakuutus -toimiston toimistopäälliköksi Niina Bergring
- FIN-FSA Annual Report 2020: Coronavirus pandemic changed the course of the year
- Wiseling Oy is not authorised by the Financial Supervisory Authority to provide investment services
- Tarja Taipalus to head Employee Pension Institutions division at the FIN-FSA’s Insurance Supervision
- Statistical survey of motor liability insurance 2015–2019: 2019 was a peak year for investment activities, but the underwriting result was depressed by supplementary provisions made towards the end of the review period
- EIOPAn ohje henki- ja eläkevakuutuksista liittyen brexitiin
- FIN-FSA will not act upon non-compliance with the requirement to publish ESEF financial statements in 2021
- Tröskelvärdet för rapporteringen av korta nettopositioner hålls vid 0,1 %
- Statistical survey of workers’ compensation insurance 2015–2019: 2019 was a peak year for investment activities, but the underwriting result was depressed by supplementary provisions made towards the end of the reference period
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2019: principle of continuity required by principle of equity was generally fulfilled and companies complied with their agreed principles for distribution of bonuses
- Information security in financial sector entities is assessed in several stages – regulation is likely to become more stringent
- Slides and video of ESEF-webinar for listed companies on 24th September available
- Reporting threshold for net short positions remains at 0.1%
- ESMA issues public statement on amendment to IFRS 16 Leases
- Reporting threshold for net short positions remains at 0.1%
- Unemployment funds’ operating environment has changed significantly in spring 2020 – In 2019, earnings-related daily allowance expenditure and number of daily allowance beneficiaries still continued to decline
- ESMA has issued a Public Statement on the application of IFRS 9 in the exceptional circumstances caused by the pandemic
- ESMA has issued a Public Statement on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the deadlines for publishing financial reports which apply to listed issuers under the Transparency Directive
- Coronavirus has mobilised fraudsters – watch out for phishing attempts!
- FIN-FSA Annual Report 2019: Changes in the financial sector operating environment also change supervision
- Financial Supervisory Authority and Financial Intelligence Unit sign memorandum of understanding
- Report on the Audit Committee Survey published – increased demand for audit committee expertise in accounting and auditing
- Two new heads of division in Capital Markets Supervision department
- Fraudulent emails circulating in the name of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Statistical survey of motor liability insurance 2014–2018: Weak investment income adversely impacted the motor liability insurance result in 2018
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2018: principle of continuity required by principle of equity was generally fulfilled and companies complied with their agreed principles for distribution of bonuses
- Financial Supervisory Authority intensifies anti-money laundering supervision
- Statistical survey of motor liability insurance 2013–2017: Several changes in Finnish motor liability insurance market in 2017
- Statistical survey of workers’ compensation insurance 2014–2018: Underwriting result positive in 2018
- Legislative initiative to enhance the competence requirements of board members and management of pension insurance companies
- Unemployment funds 2018: Earnings-related daily allowance expenditure and number of daily allowance beneficiaries declined significantly
- Markku Koponen appointed Head of the FIN-FSA's Digitalisation and Banking Services division
- Pekka Vasara appointed Head of the FIN-FSA's Anti Money Laundering division
- Adverse impacts of Brexit on policyholders and beneficiaries must be minimised
- Statement regarding Nordic-Baltic financial crisis simulation, January 2019
- Change of deputy member of the FIN-FSA Board
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2017: principle of continuity required by principle of equity was generally fulfilled and companies complied with their agreed principles for distribution of bonuses
- FIN-FSA Board’s new macroprudential strategy clarifies the Board’s objectives in work promoting macroeconomic stability
- Financial Supervisory Authority’s new website and look
- FIN-FSA proposes amendments to legislation on administrative sanctions
- Provision of insurance against fines is contrary to good insurance practice
- A total of 11 applications submitted for the post of Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Unemployment funds 2017: Earnings-related daily allowance expenditure and numbers of daily allowance beneficiaries and allowance days paid declined
- Statistical survey on motor liability insurance 2012–2016: profitability good
- Heads of Division appointed at FIN-FSA’s Off-Site Supervision 1 and Off-Site Supervision 2
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2016: principle of continuity required by principle of equity was generally fulfilled and companies complied with their agreed principles for distribution of bonuses
- Anneli Tuominen reappointed Vice Chair of ESMA
- “We have more muscle to enforce our goals” – Interview with Anneli Tuominen in the ECB Supervision Newsletter
- Berndt Hertsberg to head Banking Regulation and Risk Areas Division in Banking Supervision at the FIN-FSA
- Sami Tiainen to head the On-Site Inspection and Models Division at the FIN-FSA’s Banking Supervision
- Milka Lahnalammi-Vesivalo to head Communications at the FIN-FSA
- FIN-FSA interest group survey 2017: Expectations towards the Financial Supervisory Authority have grown further
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Hufvudstadsbladets Pensionsstiftelse for neglect of reporting
- FIN-FSA's new organisation confirmed – changes to take effect on 1 September 2017
- Key financial figures 2016: easier comparability of data
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Bank of Åland Plc for neglect of reporting
- Hanna Heiskanen appointed Senior Digitalisation Specialist at FIN-FSA
- Jyri Helenius appointed as Deputy Director General of FIN-FSA
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Finnish P&C Insurance Ltd for neglect of reporting
- Survey of compliance with principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2015: bonuses provided by companies have remained fairly stable
- Change of Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s deputy representative on FIN-FSA Board
- Mikko Kuusela to head the Employee Pension Institutions Division at the FIN-FSA
- Teija Korpiaho to head the Life and Non-life Insurance Companies Division at the FIN-FSA
- FIN-FSA imposes administrative fine on Bothnia International Insurance Company Ltd. for delayed reporting
- Unemployment funds 2015: Funds for the self-employed saw a decrease in membership growth
- Listed companies are expected to give information on the implementation of the new revenue standard in its 2016 financial statements
- FIN-FSA assessed the propriety of banks' conduct regarding Finavia derivatives contracts
- Anneli Tuominen appointed Vice Chair of ESMA
- FIN-FSA investigated 117 cases related to securities market trading and disclosure obligations in 2015
- FIN-FSA has imposed seven administrative fines for neglect of reporting
- Change to Bank of Finland deputy on FIN-FSA Board
- Allowing nominee registration not the objective of current legislation – gap between aims and application
- FIN-FSA appeals against a ruling of the Market Court
- ECB to publish results of comprehensive assessment of nine banks in November; for Finland, Municipality Finance plc is included
- New deputy member for Ministry of Finance representative on the FIN-FSA Board
- Sami Pyykkönen to head Market and Liquidity Risks Division
- FIN-FSA investigated 102 cases of suspected securities market abuse during first half of the year
- Report on IFRS enforcement in 2014: Companies should ensure that information on financial statements is clear and concrete
- FIN-FSA has imposed three administrative fines for neglect of reporting
- Survey of compliance with the principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2013: Bonuses given by companies have remained more or less stable during the past few years
- FIN-FSA appeals Helsinki Administrative Court’s ruling
- ESMA delivers its advice on Market Abuse Regulation to the Commission
- FIN-FSA completed investigation of 83 cases of suspected securities market abuse in 2014
- Profitability analysis of statutory workers' compensation insurance in 2004–2013: business profitability and return are still good, market concentration increased further
- Unemployment funds 2013: Expenditures for earnings-related daily allowances increased, processing times reasonable
- FIN-FSA interest group survey 2014: FIN-FSA's significance has increased – activities have mainly met with expectations
- Survey of compliance with the principle of equity by life insurance companies in 2012: Information disclosed by companies on the Internet is generally of good quality
- FIN-FSA investigated 86 suspicions of securities market abuse during first year-half
- Only some forms of crowdfunding are currently regulated and thus subject to supervision
- FIN-FSA surveyed the quality of customer information provided with investment baskets – comparison of investment baskets difficult based on information provided
- Marja Nykänen appointed Deputy Director General
- FIN-FSA imposes two administrative fines for neglect of declaration of insider holdings
- Bank of Finland Museum lectures on changes to payment systems and banking supervision
- Report on IFRS enforcement in 2013: Extensive enforcement of compliance with standards on financial instruments
- Marja Nykänen to serve as Acting Head of Prudential Supervision as from 3 February
- Report on the profitability of motor liability insurance 2003–2012 shows high levels of profitability and income
- Anneli Tuominen nominated for another term as the Chair of the European Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Innovation
- Sonja Lohse to head the General Secretariat of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes an administrative fine for non-compliance with the reporting obligation
- Sijoitus-Invest 2013: Fair, objective presentations on investment
- Applicants for the position of the Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes three administrative fines for non-compliance with the reporting obligation
- Unemployment funds 2012: No significant changes in number of beneficiaries of earnings-related daily allowance or number of allowance days
- Profitability analysis of statutory workers' compensation insurance in 2003–2012: very high profitability and return
- Financial Supervisory Authority imposes an administrative fine on Aval Asset Management Oy for non-compliance with the reporting obligation
- New head of Financial Sectors appointed in Institutional Supervision
- New Heads of Operational Risk and Market and Liquidity Risk Divisions from June 1 2013
- Authorisation required for investment services relating to foreign exchange trading
- Report on IFRS enforcement in 2012: the aim is to ensure the availability of sufficient information on companies' financial position in an uncertain market situation
- The management of the Financial Supervisory Authority to give lectures on reform of financial supervision throughout Europe and supervision of pension insurers
Reporting releases
- Recording and presentation of the FIN-FSA’s reporting webinar have been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- EBA published final draft Implementing Technical Standards on reporting under Instant Payment Regulation | EBA
- Data collections have been added to the Validation service and Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
- EBA published final technical package for 4.0 reporting framework | EBA
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- Jakelu distribution service to be discontinued on 31 December 2024 | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 25th of November 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service and Reporter portal will have service breaks on week 47 | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Reporter Portal user instructions updated – only one entity to be selected for new messages | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.8.2 Minor Release to apply from 31 December 2024 | EIOPA
- EBA published first draft technical package for 4.0 reporting framework | EBA
- ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
- Credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2024 I EBA
- Recording and presentation of the FIN-FSA’s reporting webinar have been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service and Reporter portal will have service breaks on week 39 | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Updated description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format EBA ITS reports of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA
- Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Thursday 29th of August 2024 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 27th of August 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- EBA updates supervisory reporting framework following the new capital requirements regulation (CRR3) | EBA
- EBA’s DPM 3.5 to apply as from 31 December 2024 data | EBA
- The service break in Reporter portal has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Tuesday 9th of July 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 18th of June 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
- The description of machine-language data transmission of CSV format reports (VIRATI and VAKRA) in national reporting updated | National reporting (Virati)
- EBA’s DPM 3.4 to apply as from 30 September 2024 data | EBA
- Recording and presentation of the FIN-FSA’s reporting webinar have been published | National reporting (Virati)
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar | National reporting (Virati)
- Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
- ECB Regulation on infringement procedures for non-compliance with statistical reporting requirements enters into force on 30 April 2024 | EIOPA
- Recording and presentation of the FIN-FSA’s reporting webinar have been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Wednesday 20th of December 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Schedule for the transfer of national data collections to the Financial Supervisory Authority's new reporting system has been published | National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 19 December 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 12 December 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- EBAsEBA’s DPM 3.3 phase 3 published | EBA
- RA data collection | National reporting (Virati)
- ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
- Credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 13th of November 2023 | EBA
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | ESMA
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 2nd of October 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar | ESMA
- Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA, EIOPA, National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Monday 18 September 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- EBA published Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) reporting – DPM 3.4 to be adopted for 30 September 2024 data | EBA
- Results of user survey on the Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
- Changes to RA data collection| National reporting (Virati)
- EBA validation rules updated | EBA
- EBA’s DPM 3.3 to apply as from 31 December 2023 data | EBA
- Reporting of EBA remuneration data | EBA
- The service break in the reporter portal of the reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The service break in the Financial Supervisory Authority's Validation service has ended | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Tuesday 20th of June 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The Validation service will be out of service on Monday 19 June 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 12th of June 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- Reminder for reporters to fill in contact details in the Reporter Portal | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The validation service will be out of service on Thursday 8th of June 2023 starting at 3:00 p.m. | EBA EIOPA Virati
- The Reporter portal and validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 6th of June 2023 starting at 2:00 p.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- Draft version FICOD 2.8.1 of the taxonomy and DPM for reporting financial conglomerates’ risk concentrations and intra-group transactions has been published | EIOPA EBA
- Survey on Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System for reporters - The response time has been extended until May 5, 2023 | EBA EIOPA Virati
- ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
- EBA Guidelines on resubmission of historical data out for comments | EBA
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- Survey on Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System for reporters | EBA EIOPA Virati
- EBA validation rules updated | EBA
- Data collections and discussion functionality have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 3th of April 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | VIRATI
- The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Monday 27 March 20223 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
- Release schedule of the taxonomy and DPM for the reporting of financial conglomerates’ risk concentrations and intra-group transactions | EIOPA EBA
- Credit institutions’ interest rate risk (IRRBB) reporting out for consultation | EBA
- Solvency II Taxonomy version and DPM 2.8.0 release schedule | EIOPA
- Commission Implementing Regulation on the supervisory reporting of risk concentrations and intra-group transactions of financial conglomerates | EIOPA, EBA
- Presentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- EBA validation rules updated | EBA
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA
- Invitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EIOPA
- Data collection has been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 19th of December 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
- Data collection has been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EIOPA EBA
- The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 13 December 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
- Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
- ECB has published new EGDQ checks
- Presentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Invitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA
- EBA validation rules updated | EBA
- Credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2022 I EBA
- Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority reporting system | EBA
- The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 10 October 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
- Error in the validation service log in has been fixed | EBA
- EBA published amended Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – DPM 3.2 delays partially | EBA
- Error in the Validation service log in | EBA
- Data collection has been added to the validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority reporting system | EBA
- The validation service will be out of service on Friday 16 September 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
- Signature certificates updated in reporting encryption software and CSV-format reporting applications | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Pension Funds Taxonomy version 2.7.0 | EIOPA
- Recording of the presentation about the FIN-FSA’s Reporter portal has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.7.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
- Invitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
- Reporter Portal of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System has been opened | EBA
- Changes to RA data collection | National reporting (Virati)
- Validation Service of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System has been opened | EBA
- Updated description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format reports (EBA and EIOPA) of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA EIOPA
- Description of machine-language data transmission in the national reporting (Virati and Vakra) of the Financial Supervision Authority’s new Reporting System has been published | Virati
- Invitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s reporting system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
- EBA published amended Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – DPM 3.2, applicable for data as of 31 December 2022 | EBA
- Solvency II DPM and Taxonomy 2.7.0 and 2.8.0 Public Working Draft versions are available for feedback | EIOPA
- Instructions for e-Authorizations service published for reporters | EBA
- Proposed ITS amendments on Solvency II reporting and disclosure requirements for non-life and life insurance undertakings submitted to the Commission | EIOPA
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
- Updated data collection applications and workbooks for R, S and LTC data collections published | National reporting (Virati)
- Description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format reports (EBA and EIOPA) of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA EIOPA
- Development of the FIN-FSA Reporting Application has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
- New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
- Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
- Pension Funds Taxonomy version and Hotfix 2.6.0 | EIOPA
- Management letters of credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must be submitted to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2021 I EBA
- Questions and answers on the Reporting System Reform | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
- Reporting of IF 30.9.2021 for CLASS2 investment firms | EBA
- New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA ESMA
- Solvency II Taxonomy version and Hotfix 2.6.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
- EBA DPM 3.1 version testable with demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application and reporting test environment | EBA
- Presentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA Virati
- Invitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s reporting system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
- Invitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s reporting system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
- The RA data collection will also be updated to cover virtual currency providers and non-life insurance companies | National reporting (Virati)
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
- EBA has issued an updated list of validation rules | EBA
- New workbooks for investment firms available for download from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA National reporting (Virati)
- EBA has issued a revised DPM 3.0 version and an updated list of validation rules | EBA
- Reform of the Reporting System
- EBA to organise workshop on improving reporting practices and data quality, 29 June 2021 | EBA
- COREP OF template C 15.00 will change to be reported annually as of 30 June 2021 | EBA
- Reporting for fund companies and managers of alternative investment funds will change from 30 June 2021 | EBA
- Reporting for investment firms will change from 30 June 2021 | EBA National reporting (Virati)
- New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- Signature certificates updated in reporting encryption software and CSV-format reporting applications | EBA, EIOPA, ESMA, National reporting (Virati)
- EBA DPM 3.0 version testable with demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application and reporting test environment | EBA
- Reports of data collections concerning remuneration can be reported to FIN-FSA | EBA
- Solvency II validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
- Amended EBA Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – phase 2 of DPM version 3.0 published
- EBA has issued updated validation rules package | EBA
- Amended EBA Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) applying to credit institutions – DPM 3.0 into use as from 30 June 2021 data | EBA
- New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- Solvency II validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
- EBA has issued updated validation rules package | EBA
- Solvency II validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application and EBA, EIOPA and AIFMD workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA
- Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published
- Fee factors used in determining credit institutions’ ECB supervisory fees must be reported to the Financial Supervisory Authority by 11 November 2020 I EBA
- Extra validation rules in reporting workbooks | EBA
- Covid 19 workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service
- Secure email
- Reporting test environment for use by reporters
- Reform of the Reporting System
- EBA launched a Cost of Compliance questionnaire addressed to all European banks | EBA
- Invitation to Reporting Webinar
- EIOPA has released Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.5.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
- EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions – Covid19-demo workbooks have published | EBA
- Solvency II validations have been changed for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
- EBA has issued updated validation rules package, implementation of automatic control of reporting obligations at the template level, and DPM 2.9 FINREP workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
- Changes to the reporting of fee factors used in the determination of credit institutions’ ECB supervisory fees | EBA
- Solvency II DPM 2.4.0 validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
- EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions – DPM 2.10 will be adopted gradually | EBA
- Solvency II DPM 2.4.0 validations have been temporarily changed for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
- Reporting schedules for credit institutions: change to leeway | EBA National reporting (Virati)
- Additional time for reporting by investment firms, fund management companies and AIF Managers | EBA National reporting (Virati)
- Additional time for reporting by credit institutions | EBA National reporting (Virati)
- Extension of time for reporting by non-life and life insurance companies | EIOPA
- An updated scope table for FINREP reporting has been published | EBA
- EBA has issued updated validation rules package | EBA
- Reporting of fraud data related to payment services – updated MF workbook available | National reporting (Virati)
- Effect of Brexit on EBA/ITS reporting | EBA
- EBA have issued updated taxonomy and validation rules package (DPM | EBA
- Solvency II DPM 2.4.0 for life and non-life insurance companies and Pension Funds DPM 2.3.0 validations have been updated to the newest version | EIOPA
- EIOPA has published an updated list of validation rules and a List of known issues document | EIOPA
- EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
- New demo workbooks of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA
- Updated encryption software for CSV-based reporting applications available for download in the Jakelu distribution service | National reporting (Virati)
- New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- The European Central Bank has published an updated version of the EGDQ checks for credit institutions' ITS (FINREP, COREP) reporting | EBA
- Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
- EBA updated XBRL taxonomy 2.9 (DPM 2.9.1) | EBA
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks for Pension Fund downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
- EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
- Demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- EBA published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) applying to credit institutions concerning FINREP and SBP data collections – DPM 2.9 to be adopted | EBA
- EIOPA has released Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.4.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
- The FIN-FSA has specified the technical guidance on the reporting of settlement internalisation | ESMA
- Invitation to a webinar on reporting
- EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions concerning COREP data collections – DPM 2.9 to be adopted gradually | EBA
- Questionnaire on the use of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Applications
- DPM and Taxonomy 2.4.0 Public Working Draft released and available for comments | EIOPA
- Checks related to the acceptable time frame for supervisory reporting implemented in the FIN-FSA’s production environment
- Fee factors used for the calculation of the annual supervisory fees levied by the ECB on credit institutions to be reported to FIN-FSA by 1 July 2019 | EBA
- New data quality checks are tested in the testing environment during weeks 19–21
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks for Pension Fund downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
- New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- EBA DPM 2.8 - Errors in validation feedbacks | EBA
- FIN-FSA's reporting system overloaded
- Observations on annual Solvency II reporting | EIOPA
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks for COREP OF, FINREP9 and Solvency II downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA
- EBA DPM and EIOPA DPM 2.3.0 have been added to FIN-FSA's test environment I EBA EIOPA
- New VM and VE workbooks for insurance sector downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting (Virati)
- New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- Reporting application and Excel workbooks for reporting of risks and controls concerning anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting (Virati)
- The new address of Jakelu Distribution Service came into force on 15th December 2018
- EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
- New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
- EBA DPM 2.7 – Errors in validation feedbacks | EBA
- Errors in EBA DPM 2.7 FINREP data collection templates | EBA
- Reporting of loans collateralized by commercial immovable property in FINREP reporting | EBA
- Automatic feedback on validation errors implemented in the FIN-FSA’s production environment
- System update causes delay in reporting reception
- New VG workbooks in Jakelu distribution service | National reporting (Virati)
- Demo versions of FIN-FSA Reporting Application’s workbooks published in Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA
- New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- Automatic feedback on validation errors implemented in the FIN-FSA’s testing environment
- EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
- EBA launches consultations to credit institutions on supervisory reporting for the reporting framework 2.9 (DPM 2.9) (COREP, FINREP, LCR) | EBA
- JakeluHelpdesk email address has been removed
- EBA updated XBRL taxonomy 2.8 (DPM | EBA
- A testing environment for reporting purposes set up for reporters
- Solvency II Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.3.0 have been released | EIOPA
- Update of CSV-based reporting applications and encryption used in Jakelu distribution service | National reporting (Virati)
- New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- Reporting application and workbooks, updated with the amendments to the credit risk report S (State of the Banking System), are now available for download in the Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting
- EBA issues revised list of ITS validation rules | EBA
- DPM 2.3.0 Public Working Draft released and available for comments | EIOPA
- Fee factors used for the calculation of the annual supervisory fees levied by the ECB on credit institutions to be reported to FIN-FSA by 2 July 2018 | EBA
- EBA published amendments to the Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on supervisory reporting for credit institutions – DPM 2.8, applicable for data as of 31 December 2018 | EBA
- Investment firms, fund management companies and AIFM companies - Reporting of Group support starting 31 March 2018 | EBA
- Reporting application and Excel workbooks for reporting of 15% minimum risk weight on residential mortgage loans (RWF) downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting (Virati)
- EBA DPM version has problematic validation rules | EBA
- New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- S-report´s (State of the banking system) references partly outdated | National reporting (Virati)
- Errors in EBA DPM 2.7 COREP ALM data collection templates | EBA
- Changes in FINREP reporting for Investment firms, Fund management companies and AIFM companies starting 31 March 2018 | EBA
- FINREP reporting tables have been updated | EBA
- New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA
- Liquidity risk reporting (M report) to end | National reporting (Virati)
- Life and Non-life Insurance Companies | New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
- European Commission issues Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – EBA Reporting framework 2.7 (DPM for application as of 31 March 2018 | EBA
- New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application (AIFMD, Solvency II, AE, COREP, FINREP, FP, SBP) downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- Revisions to reporting applications for the insurance sector and update of signature certificates for CSV-based reporting applications | National reporting (Virati)
- Supervisory reporting conference 2017: esitykset julkaistu | EBA
- New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
- On the problematic situations evident in EBA DPM 2.6 version validation rules | EBA
- Changes in FINREP reporting for Investment firms, Fund management companies, and AIFM companies starting 31 March 2018 | EBA
- New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
- Demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
- New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application (AIFMD, Solvency II, AE, COREP, FINREP, FP, SBP) downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
- EGDQ checks with regard to credit institutions (EBA ITS reporting) | EBA
- EBA issued revised list of ITS validation rules on 11 September 2017 | EBA
- Revision of communication and contact procedures relating to Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting
Market newsletter
Market newsletter 1/2022
- Prohibitions on use and disclosure of inside information also apply to non-insiders
- Marketing of initial public offerings
- ESMA’s statement on transparency on implementation of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
- Listed companies are expected to provide in their half-yearly financial reports sufficient information on the impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on their financial reporting – ESMA has issued a public statement
- Financial reporting enforcement results in Europe 2021
- Topical matters at ESMA
- Market newsletter now also published as online version
Market newsletter 2/2022
- Future outlooks, changes in outlook and their disclosure
- Releases containing inside information – give attention to the title of the release
- Statutory ESEF reporting began
- Financial statements accounting treatment of SaaS cloud services arrangements must be analysed with care
- Events for listed companies in December 2022
- Topical matters at ESMA
- Market Newsletter 1/2023
- Market Newsletter 2/2023
Market newsletter 3/2023
- Listed companies carry out reporting on environmentally sustainable activities for the first time
- Useful examples of disclosing impacts of climate change in IFRS financial statements in a recent publication by European securities market regulators
- Sustainability matters in prospectuses
- European common enforcement priorities for financial reports have been published
- Sustainability reporting in digital format commences, accompanied by the digitalisation of financial statements and management report
- Financial Supervisory Authority reminds entities: Amendments to EMIR reporting enter into force on 29 April 2024
- Topical matters concerning notification of delayed disclosure of inside information
- Topical matters at ESMA
Market newsletter 4/2023
- 1. Summary
- 2. Tasks of the audit committee
- 3. Tasks of the FIN-FSA
- 4. How was the survey conducted?
- 5. The new sustainability reporting framework
- 6. Audit committees have familiarised themselves with the new regulations
- 7. Sustainability matters on audit committees’ agenda
- 8. Boards have been kept informed about the new regulations
- 9. Audit committees are involved in sustainability reporting implementation projects
- 10. Companies’ processes and controls being developed – demand for new systems
- 11. Increased need for additional resources and expertise
- 12. Independence of audit committee from management ensured
- 13. Attention paid to assurance of sustainability information
- 14. Companies have acted to reduce greenwashing risk
- 15. Audit committees have identified a number of challenges in preparing for sustainability reporting
- Market Newsletter 1/2024
- Market Newsletter 2/2024
- Market Newsletter 1/2025
Market newsletter 1/2022
- Blogs
- Annual reports
Public notices
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Simula Invest Oy and Aarne Simula an exemption from the time limits specified under chapter 11, section 22, and from the obligation to launch a bid specified under section 19, of the Securities Markets Act, concerning Soprano Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Inission AB (publ) an exemption from the time limit specified under Chapter 11, Section 22 of the Securities Markets Act for starting the takeover bid procedure concerning Enedo Plc
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Inission AB (publ) exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Enedo Plc
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Rettig Group Oy Ab and Rettig Capital Oy Ab exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the said Act, to launch a bid for Virala Acquisition Company Oyj
- The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority announces declaration of bankruptcy of insurance company
- FIN-FSA decided to grant PPG Finland Oy and PPG Industries Inc. exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Tikkurila Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Inission AB (publ) exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Enedo Plc
- FIN-FSA decided to grant the State of Finland and State Business Development Company (Vake Oy) exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Altia Plc
- The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority announces withdrawal of the authorisation of an insurance company
- The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority Finanstilsynet announces underwriting prohibition against insurance company
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Paul Ehrnrooth and Turret Oy Ab exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Digitalist Group Plc
- The FIN-FSA’s decision to restrict the marketing, distribution and sales of contracts for differences to retail clients
- The FIN-FSA’s decision to prohibit the marketing, distribution and sales of binary options to retail clients
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Oivor AB exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Rovio Entertainment Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant the State of Finland and State Business Development Company (Vake Oy) exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Altia Plc
- Service by public notice
- Service by public notice
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Finda Oy and Finda Telecoms Oy exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for DNA Oyj
- 2017
- The Liechtenstein Financial Supervisory Authority announces the commencement of winding-up proceedings and appointment of a liquidator for an insurance company
- Gibraltar Financial Services Commission announces withdrawal of the authorisation of an insurance company and appointment of a liquidator for the company
- Bank of Greece announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- Gibraltar Financial Services Commission announces liquidation of and appointment of a Provisional Liquidator for an insurance company
- The Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority announces the commencement of winding up proceedings and withdrawal of authorization for an insurance company
- Exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj
- Exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Restamax Oyj
- The Financial Supervisory Authority of Spain announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- The Romanian Financial Supervision Authority announces the commencement of winding up proceedings and withdrawal of authorization for an insurance company
- Bank of Greece announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- The Romanian Financial Supervision Authority announces the dissolution and commencement of voluntary liquidation procedures for an insurance company
- Bank of Greece announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- The Romanian Financial Supervision Authority announces commencement of winding-up proceedings for an insurance company
- Exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Tokmanni Group Oyj
- The Romanian Financial Supervision Authority announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- The Credit and Insurance Committee of the Bank of Greece announces reorganisation of two insurance companies
- Exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Vaahto Group Plc Oyj
- German supervisory authority announces liquidation of and appointment of a liquidator for an insurance company
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Gazit-Globe Ltd exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Citycon Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Jari Sarasvuo and Causa Prima Oy exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Trainers’ House Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Inission AB exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Incap Oyj
- The Romanian Financial Supervision Authority announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- Greek supervisory authority announces commencement of winding up proceedings, withdrawal of authorisation and appointment of a liquidator to an insurance company
- The Romanian Financial Supervision Authority announces reorganisation of an insurance company
- The Hungarian Central Bank announces compulsory liquidation of and appointment of a liquidator for an insurance company
- UK Prudential Regulation Authority announces voluntary liquidation of and appointment of a liquidator for an insurance company
- FIN-FSA revokes decision to designate an authorised representative to oversee the operations of Navi Group Oy
- The UK Prudential Regulation Authority announces reorganisation of an insurance company and appointment of joint administrators for the insurance company
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Turret Oy Ab exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Ixonos Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Heikki Vauhkonen exemption from the obligation, under chapter 6, section 10 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Tulikivi Oyj
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Inission AB, FBM Consulting AB and Fredrik Berghel exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Incap Oyj
- Latvia supervisory authority announces commencement of winding up proceedings and withdrawal of authorisation for an insurance company
- FIN-FSA changes prohibition of execution issued on Navi Group Oy
- Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority announces winding-up of an insurance company
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Kesla Oyj
- FIN-FSA restricts Navi Group Oy’s authorised operations and designates an attorney for the company
- Greek supervisory authority announces commencement of winding up proceedings, withdrawal of authorisation and appointment of a liquidator to an insurance company
- The Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority announces winding-up of an insurance company, withdrawal of its foundation permit and appointment of a company in charge of winding up the insurance company
- The Spanish Financial Supervisory Authority announces winding-up of an insurance company, revocation of its administrative authorisation and dismissal of the appointed controllers
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Gazit-Globe Ltd exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Citycon Oyj
- The Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority announces special supervisory measures concerning an insurance company
- FIN-FSA decided to grant Turret Oy Ab exemption from the obligation, under chapter 11, section 19 of the Securities Markets Act, to launch a bid for Ixonos Oyj
Subscription to electronic publications
Subscription to press releases
Website update in progress
News releases related to the coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Forms
- Statistics
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines
- Commencement of activities
Organisation of supervised entities’ operations
- Sijoitusrahastotoiminnan järjestäminen ja menettelytavat
- Outsourcing in supervised entities belonging to the financial sector
- Mortgage bank authorisation procedure and risk management
- Reporting of mortgage bank operations
- Vaihtoehtorahastojen hoitajat
- Sijoituspalvelujen toiminnan järjestäminen ja menettelytavat
- Virtual currency providers
- Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
- Customer due diligence related to compliance with sanctions regulation and national freezing orders
Risk management
- Risk reporting by credit institutions
- Reporting of funding plans
- Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector
- Management of credit risk and assessment of creditworthiness by supervised entities in the financial sector
- Risk management concerning mortgage bank operations
Accounting, financial statements and management report
- Kirjanpitoa, tilinpäätöstä ja toimintakertomusta koskevat määräykset ja ohjeet: Vakuutusyhtiöt, työeläkevakuutusyhtiöt, vakuutusyhdistykset, vakuutusomistusyhteisöt, kolmannen maan vakuutusyhtiöiden sivuliikkeet ja lailla perustetut eläkelaitokset
- Kirjanpitoa, tilinpäätöstä ja toimintakertomusta koskevat määräykset ja ohjeet: Eläkekassat ja eläkesäätiöt
- Kirjanpitoa, tilinpäätöstä ja toimintakertomusta koskevat määräykset: Sairauskassat ja hautaus- ja eroavustuskassat
- Financial sector regulations and guidelines on reporting of financial information (FINREP)
- Rahoitussektorin kirjanpito, tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus
- Capital adequacy
- Code of conduct
- Operations of securities markets
Insurance operations
- Vakuutusmarkkinoilla toimivan yhteisön konekielisten valvontatietojen toimittaminen Finanssivalvonnalle
- Työeläkelaitosten vakavaraisuus
- Vastuuvelan kate: Lisäeläkelaitokset sekä hautaus- ja eroavustuskassat
- Vakuutusmarkkinoilla toimivan yhteisön valvonta-asiakirjojen toimittaminen Finanssivalvonnalle
- Henki- ja vahinkovakuutusyhtiön toiminnan aloittaminen ja hallintojärjestelmä
- Työkyvyttömyysriskin hallinta: Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö
- Lakisääteistä eläkevakuutusta harjoittavien eläkelaitosten vakavaraisuusrajan laskeminen ja sijoitusten hajauttaminen
- Työeläkevakuutusyhtiöiden hallinto
- Merimieseläkekassan hallinto
- Maatalousyrittäjien eläkelaitoksen hallinto julkaiseminen
- Lisäeläkelaitosten hallinto
- sairauskassat ja hautaus- ja eroavustuskassat
- Hautaus- ja eroavustuskassojen vastuuvelan laskuperusteet
- Lisäeläkelaitosten vastuuvelan laskuperusteet
- Työttömyyskassoja koskevat määräykset ja ohjeet 3/2021
- Lakisääteistä työeläkevakuutustoimintaa harjoittavien eläkesäätiöiden ja eläkekassojen hallinto
- Miscellaneous regulations and guidelines
Legal framework of FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines
Definition of a fund management company’s customer
Online banking code lists as part of strong customer authentication
Insurability of administrative fines and penalty payments
Statement on PSD2 transitional issues
Customer due diligence and banks’ procedures
Statement by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority regarding the low level of housing loan risk weights applied by banks and the need to raise them
Definition of a fund management company’s customer
Statements and requests for comments
- Financial market legislation
Regulations by sectors
Guidelines of the European Supervisory Authorities
Management companies
Investment Service Providers
Credit institutions
Stock exchange and other trading venues
Central Securities Depository
Issuers and Investors
Virtual currency providers
Payment service providers
Mortgage credit intermediaries
Life and non-life insurance
Insurance Intermediaries
Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)
Benchmark Administratory
Crypto-asset activities
Other Guidelines
Supervisor guidelines
Management companies
- Regulatory framework
International recommendations
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines
- Reporting-vanha
- Reporting of financial standing and risks
Transaction reporting
Transaction reporting(2)
Reporting for capital market participants
Information to report and notify
- Registers
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
Customer due diligence
Obligation to obtain information and to report
Risk assessment
Internal instructions and training of personnel
International cooperation
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2025
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2024
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2023
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2022
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2021
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2020
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2019
FATF Plenary and Working Group Meetings 2025
International financial sanctions and national decisions on freezing assets
Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Report suspected infringement
Customer due diligence
Authorisations, registrations and notifications
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
Sustainable finance
Owner control
Fit & Proper supervision