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Your search for financial sector resulted in 28 hits
Application of DORA has started – FIN-FSA to focus on the management of ICT risks and cyber-threats in its supervision -
Financial sector's capital position as at 30 September 2024: The solvency of the Finnish financial sector remained strong amid increasing geopolitical uncertainty -
Financial sector's capital position as at 30 June 2024: Sluggish economic growth and geopolitical tensions have maintained the financial sector's risks at a high level – capital position has remained strong -
Financial sector's capital position as at 31 March 2024: Finnish financial sector’s solvency remained strong in an uncertain operating environment -
Strong year in financial sector despite uncertain operating environment – economic developments and geopolitical situation the most significant risks also in 2024 -
Finnish banks’ liquidity position stable but vulnerable to severe and long disruptions -
Financial sector’s capital position as at 30 September 2023: Solvency has remained strong – uncertainty caused by the geopolitical situation underlines the importance of solvency and risk management -
Subdued economic outlook is weakening the financial sector's operating environment – real estate market risks particularly increasing -
Frequently asked questions on virtual currencies and their issuance (Initial Coin Offering) -
Frequently asked questions on virtual currencies and their issuance (Initial Coin Offering) -
Frequently asked questions on virtual currencies and their issuance (Initial Coin Offering) -
Frequently asked questions on virtual currencies and their issuance (Initial Coin Offering) -
Innovation Help Desk advises on licence issues -
Innovation Help Desk advises on licence issues -
Innovation Help Desk advises on licence issues -
Innovation Help Desk advises on licence issues -
FinTech – Financial sector innovations -
FinTech – Financial sector innovations -
FinTech – Financial sector innovations -
FinTech – Financial sector innovations -
Financial sector's capital position as at 30 September 2018: Capital position of the Finnish financial sector has remained strong – banking sector capital adequacy will weaken as a result of Nordea’s re-domiciliation -
Rahoitussektorin kirjanpito, tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus -
Management of credit risk and assessment of creditworthiness by supervised entities in the financial sector -
Results of the EU-wide stress test of banks: Finnish banking sector would withstand a weakening in the operating environment -
Financial sector’s capital position as at 31 March 2018: Finland’s financial sector as a whole remained strong -
Key financial figures 2016: easier comparability of data -
Sami Pyykkönen to head Market and Liquidity Risks Division -
Report on IFRS enforcement in 2013: Extensive enforcement of compliance with standards on financial instruments