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Your search for credit institutions resulted in 15 hits
European Central Bank’s public consultation on the application of regulatory options and discretions available to authorities with respect to the prudential regulation of credit institutions -
Standard RA1.1 on the reporting of intra-group transactions has been replaced by new regulations and guidelines 1/2024 -
Thematic review: Room for development in the measurement of interest rate risk and management of interest rate risk models by credit institutions under direct FIN-FSA supervision -
Thematic review: Need for development in risk reporting to the boards of directors of credit institutions under direct FIN-FSA Supervision -
Thematic review: Plenty of room for development in climate and environmental risk management by credit institutions under direct FIN-FSA supervision -
Regulations and guidelines 1/2014: Amendment of FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines on risk reporting by credit institutions -
Board of Financial Supervisory Authority extends period of application of risk weight floors for residential and commercial real estate exposures located in Norway -
Disclosure requirement for mortgage credit bank operations -
A summary of the FIN-FSA’s risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing for the credit institution sector has been published -
Decision of the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority on the application of a minimum risk weight for Swedish residential mortgage loans -
Amendments to FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines 1/2021 G-SII guidelines -
New recommendation by FIN-FSA on distribution of credit institutions’ profits -
Loan payment restructuring events in the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic -
Financial Supervisory Authority refines recommendation on refraining from dividend distributions -
FIN-FSA survey into the impacts of the reference rate reform on credit institutions