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Your search for Annual Report resulted in 10 hits
FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2024: Cybersecurity and fraud prevention were top of agenda -
FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2023: Strong solvency of financial sector protects against changes in operating environment -
FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2022: State of the financial sector remained solid, but global events caused turmoil in the operating environment -
FIN-FSA Annual Report 2021: State of the financial sector has remained good, but global economic outlook is affected by many uncertainties -
FIN-FSA Annual Report 2020: Coronavirus pandemic changed the course of the year -
FIN-FSA Annual Report 2019: Changes in the financial sector operating environment also change supervision -
Annual reports -
FIN-FSA Annual Report 2018: Supervision of anti-money laundering and digitalisation has been strengthened -
Rahoitussektorin kirjanpito, tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus -
Kirjanpitoa, tilinpäätöstä ja toimintakertomusta koskevat määräykset ja ohjeet: Eläkekassat ja eläkesäätiöt