More information on reporting is available in the Reporting section.
What should be reported and notified?
Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
Investment firms
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3
FINREP Table of reporting scope (excel) |
Quarterly, Semiannually or Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
IFCLASS2 Table of reporting scope (excel) |
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
IFCLASS3 Table of reporting scope (excel)
Annually, on the situation as at 31 December |
11 February |
6/2013 section 3 |
Annually, on the situation as at 31 December |
On 30 June at the latest |
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Branches of foreign investment firms in Finland
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3
FINREP Table of reporting scope (excel) |
Quarterly, Semiannually or Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Investment firms
Information reported on standard forms or as separate files
Regulations and guidelines / Standard | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
Under chapter 7, section 8, subsection 2 of the Investment Services Act (747/2012), the provisions of chapter 8 of the Credit Institutions Act are also applicable to investment firms. |
1. Decision-making of the general meeting concerning a high maximum share of variable remuneration - Chapter 8 Section 8 |
Without delay |
see above | 2. Data collection regarding high earners - Chapter 8 Section 16 | Annually | 30 June |
see above | 3. Remuneration Benchmarking data collection - Chapter 8 Section 16 | Annually | 30 June |
Investment Services Act chapter 6 b section 4 |
Reporting of information on fitness and propriety Reports are submitted via FIN-FSA´s e-services (more information)
Without delay after the appointment or a change in the person’s responsibilities, and no later than two weeks from the appointment decision or from the date at which the person takes up the new position
8/2014 |
Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector |
Reporting of disruptions and faults in operations From January 17th 2025 onwards Error report form (excel). The form is submitted to the FIN-FSA e-service in English. Translations available in Finnish and Swedish. |
Without delay Reports are submitted via FIN-FSA's e-services (more information) |
Annual report on losses from operational risk Damage report form (word) |
On 28 February at the latest |
25/2013 section 10.3 |
Capital requirements calculation and large exposures Form (excel) available in Finnish |
Without delay |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) chapter 6a |
Acquisition and disposal of shares and participations in investment firms
Note! The form for target company must always be filled in Forms for situations where reduced information requirements apply (Article 13, EU 2017/1946): |
In advance kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) chapter 7 section 6 |
Tied agent notification New notification or declaration of changes is submitted to the address sipa-ilmoitukset(at) or by post to the Registry of the Financial Supervisory Authority Notification form (pdf) available in Finnish or in Swedish NB! The PDF form works with Windows devices. Another option is to create an xml file and to send the file to the above address. Reporting of tied agent notification in machine-readable form (xsd) |
Immediately |
Information reported in free form
Regulations and guidelines / Standard | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
RA1.1 section 4 |
Reporting of intra-group transactions |
Quarterly |
15 May, 15 August, 15 November, 28/29 February |
RA1.2 section 4 |
Acquisition of controlling interest in undertakings authorised in non-EEA states |
In advance, before acquisition of controlling interest |
Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector |
EU 2017/565 (recital 44) |
Outsourcing |
In advance |
Submission of financial statements
Annually |
Within two weeks from the approval of the financial statements kirjaamo(at) |
see above |
Interim report |
Within two months from the end of the interim period |
see above |
Auditing |
Within two months from the end of the interim period |
4.2 |
Management of supervised entity capital adequacy |
Annually and always when changes take effect |
Immediately when changes take effect |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 3:8 |
Notification of material changes to the conditions for granting authorisation |
kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 6a:1.5 |
Notification of the owners of the holdings referred to in subsections 1 and 2 and the size of the holdings as well as changes in holdings |
Once a year/without delay Reports are submitted via FIN-FSA´s e-services (more information) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 7:10 and RA1.2 |
Notification of intent to acquire control within the meaning of chapter 1, section 5 of the Accounting Act in a credit institution, an investment firm, a fund management company, an alternative fund manager or an insurance company whose registered office is in a third country |
In advance kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 7a:1 |
Notification that an investment firm engages in algorithmic trading in Finland or in an EEA country |
| |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 7a:3 |
Notification that an investment firm provides direct electronic market access to a trading venue |
| |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 9:6 |
An auditor’s report on whether arrangements for the custody and handling of the customer assets of an investment firm meet the provisions of chapter 9 of the Act on Investment Services as well as provisions adopted pursuant thereto |
Once a year |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 10:15 |
Notification of the name and contact details of the body referred to in subsection 1 of 10:15 |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:1 |
Notification that an investment firm intends to establish a branch in an EEA country other than Finland or intends to use a tied agent established in another EEA country in whose area it has not established a branch |
In good time in advance kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:1.4 |
Notification of changes to the information referred to in subsection 1 |
At the latest one month before the changes are due to be implemented kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:4 |
Notification of how the receivables of investors that are customers of an investment firm’s branch abroad have been secured |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:6.1 |
Notification that an investment firm intends to commence providing investment services or practising investment activities and providing ancillary services in accordance with Annex I of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive in an EEA country other than Finland without establishing a branch |
In good time in advance kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:6.3 |
Notification of changes to the information referred to in subsection 1 |
At the latest one month before the changes are due to be implemented kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:6.4 |
Notification that an investment firm intends to offer a direct opportunity for an investment firm, credit institution or other person established in another EEA State to trade in a multilateral or organised trading facility |
In good time in advance kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:6.5 |
Notification of change to information referred to in subsection 4 |
At the latest one month before the change is due to be implemented kirjaamo(at) |
Investment Services Act (747/2012) 13:6a |
Notification that an investment firm intends to commence providing investment services or practising investment activities and providing ancillary services in accordance with Annex I of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive in a third country without establishing a branch |
In good time in advance and when information has changed kirjaamo(at) |
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
2/2018 Kaupparaportointi, tarjouskirjanpito ja kellotahdistus MiFID II:n mukaisesti (in Finnish) |
Transactions executed on financial instruments
Without delay or the next day |