Fund management companies


More information on reporting is available in the Reporting section.

What should be reported and notified?

Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)

Finnish management companies

Regulations and guidelines Information to be reported Reporting frequency and reference dates Submission dates

20/2013 section 3
Reporting of financial information (FINREP)


F tables
FA and FT tables

Table of reporting scope (excel)

Quarterly, Semiannually or Annually
31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December

12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February

26/2013 section 3
Common reporting (COREP)

COREP OF Own funds

Table of reporting scope (excel)

31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December


12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February


Regulations and guidelines 2/2023 ja 4/2023

RA Risk assessment questionnaire

31 December

28 February

For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:

Branches of foreign management companies in Finland

Regulations and guidelines Information to be reported Reporting frequency and reference dates Submission dates

20/2013 section 3
Reporting of financial information (FINREP)

F tables
FA and FT tables

Table of reporting scope (excel)

Quarterly, Semiannually or Annually
31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December

12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February

Regulations and guidelines 2/2023 ja 4/2023

RA Risk assessment questionnaire

31 December

28 February

For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:

Information reported on standard forms or as separate files

Regulations and guidelines / Standard Information to be reported Reporting frequency and reference dates Submission dates
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 3 section 2

Reporting of information on fitness and propriety

Link to the FIN-FSA electronic service(in Finnish)


Without delay after the appointment or a change in the person’s responsibilities, and no later than two weeks from the appointment decision or from the date at which the person takes up the new position

Via FIN-FSA´s e-services



Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector

  • section 9.1

Reporting of disruptions and faults in operations

From 17 January 2025 onwards:
Error report form (excel)


Without delay

Via FIN-FSA´s e-services

  • section 9.2

Annual report on losses from operational risk

Damage report form (word)


On 28 February at the latest

Government Decree 208/2014

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 4 section 7

Acquisition and disposal of shares and participations in investment firms 

Note! The form for target company must always be filled in.



In advance

Information reported in free form

Regulations and guidelines / Standard Information to be reported Reporting frequency and reference dates Submission dates
1/2012 chapter 8



In advance



Submission of financial statements

  • Copy of financial statements and consolidated financial statements, and of the management report
  • Copy of audit report
  • Copy of the minutes of the annual general meeting or of the corresponding body that dealt with the financial statements
  • Financial statements of investment funds managed by the fund management company


Within two weeks from the approval of the financial statements


see above

Interim report


Within two months from the end of the interim period


see above



Within two weeks from the submission of the report to the supervised entity


Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 2 section 9

Notification when an investment firm commences operations



Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 20 section 5 Notification when a custodial institution commences operations   rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 20 section 11 Notification of changes to the information concerning significant close associations reported in the authorization application of custodian institution Immediately kirjaamo(at)

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 4 section 7.5

Government Decree on the Filing of a Notice Regarding the Acquisition and Disposal of Holdings in Credit Institutions, Investment Firms, Management Companies, Depositories, Special Depositaries, Insurance Companies, Holding Companies of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates and Alternative Investment Fund Managers

Notification, at least once a year, of names of owners of holdings and sizes of such holdings in a fund management company and its holding company as referred to in chapter 4 section 7 subsections 1 and 2 of the Act on Common Funds

Link to the FIN-FSA electronic service (in Finnish)

Once a year

Via FIN-FSA´s e-services

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 24 section 1

Notification of establishing a branch for a fund management company authorized in another EEA state


Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 8 section 7.2

Notification when a mutual fund commences operations


Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 6 section 1.5


Notification of outsourcing arrangements and significant changes in them.

In advance kirjaamo(at)

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 8 section 8.2

Notification of reaching or exceeding, or falling below the limits specified in subsection 1 on minimum equity or number of unitholders in a mutual fund

Immediately rahastoilmoitukset(at)

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 2 section 10.1

Copy of transfer proposal and report as referred to in Article 8 (2) and (3) of the European company regulation, in the event that the management company intends to transfer its registered office to another Member State, as provided in Article 8 of the European company regulation

Without delay kirjaamo(at)

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 5 section 3.2

Notification of the equity of a management company falling below the minimum amount provided in chapter 3 section 1

Without delay  

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 21 section 10

Notification from a custodial institution that an order from a management company is not being observed, or other grounds for comments are observed in the operation of a management company, as referred to in Section 31.1, and the company refuses to cancel its decision or change its operating mode


Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 21 section 11

Notification of custody agreement made by the investment fund and any changes to such agreement

Immediately kirjaamo(at)

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 7 section 5


Annual report, semi-annual report and quarterly report of a mutual fund (only with respect to special mutual funds, Section 95) and copies of:

  • Auditing documents of the management company and mutual fund
  • Auditor’s report of the management company and mutual fund as well as documents concerning management of the management company and mutual fund
  • Minutes of the company’s shareholders’ and unitholders’ meetings
  • Audit report concerning the accuracy of the NAV calculation of a mutual fund unit
Without undue delay rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 10 section 8.1

Notification of a decision to halt the redemption of mutual fund units

Without delay rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 13 section 17.3

Notification of the types of derivatives contracts used in the investment operations of a mutual fund, related risks, methods used in assessing the risks of derivatives contracts and quantitative limits

Once a year rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 15 section 3.5

Mutual fund prospect and any amendments thereof

Immediately rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 15 section 9.3

Mistake in publication of the value of a mutual fund unit

Immediately rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 15 section 12.1

Key Information Document (KID) and any changes to it


 A Key Information Document submitted to the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) must be a text-form PDF file (not scanned, not an image).
A Key Information Document must be named so that the developer of the PRIIP product in question, the name of the PRIIP product and its risk indicator are apparent from the name of the PDF document. These three items of information should be separated by an underscore character. For the risk indicator, only a number (1-7) is added to the name.


Model example: Fund management company X_Investment Fund Finland_5

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 18 section 3.2

Notification of implementation of surrender of management of a mutual fund

Within two months from the granting of the authorization rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 16 section 13.1

Notification of implementation of a merger of mutual funds

Within two months from the granting of the authorization rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 17 section 4.1

Notification of implementation of a demerger of a mutual fund

Within two months from the granting of the authorization rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 14 section 13

Notification of a feeder fund or of a collective investment undertaking acting as such the funds of which are invested in a fund under its own management

Immediately rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 19 section 5.1

Notification of a decision to terminate a mutual fund

Without delay kirjaamo(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 19 section 5.3

Final settlement of a terminated mutual fund with annexes

Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 19 section 5.5

Notification that the assets of a mutual fund have been divided and the mutual fund terminated

Without delay rahastoilmoitukset(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 1.1

Notification of establishment of a branch in an EEA member state

Well in advance kirjaamo(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 1.5

Notification of changes to information specified in chapter 22 section 1.1

No later than one month before the changes take effect kirjaamo(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 4.1

Notification of commencement of operations as referred to in chapter 2 section 2 in the area of another country without establishing a branch

Well in advance kirjaamo(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 4.3

Notification of change in information under chapter 22 section 4.1 of the Act on common funds

In advance kirjaamo(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 5.1

Notification of carrying out activities referred to in chapter 2 section 2.2 in a non-EEA country without establishing a branch, and related change of information

Well in advance kirjaamo(at)
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 7

Notification when a fund management company or a foreign EEA fund management company intends to market in the EEA home country the units of a fund it manages in Finland.


Finnish fund management companies:
EEA fund management companies: