More information on reporting is available in the Reporting section.
What should be reported and notified?
Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
Finnish management companies
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3
FINREP Table of reporting scope (excel) |
Quarterly, Semiannually or Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
26/2013 section 3 |
COREP OF Own funds Table of reporting scope (excel) |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Branches of foreign management companies in Finland
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3 |
FINREP Table of reporting scope (excel) |
Quarterly, Semiannually or Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Information reported on standard forms or as separate files
Regulations and guidelines / Standard | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 3 section 2 |
Reporting of information on fitness and propriety Link to the FIN-FSA electronic service(in Finnish) |
Without delay after the appointment or a change in the person’s responsibilities, and no later than two weeks from the appointment decision or from the date at which the person takes up the new position Via FIN-FSA´s e-services |
Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector |
Reporting of disruptions and faults in operations From 17 January 2025 onwards: |
Without delay Via FIN-FSA´s e-services |
Annual report on losses from operational risk Damage report form (word) |
On 28 February at the latest |
Government Decree 208/2014 Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 4 section 7 |
Acquisition and disposal of shares and participations in investment firms
Note! The form for target company must always be filled in. |
In advance |
Information reported in free form
Regulations and guidelines / Standard | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
1/2012 chapter 8 |
Outsourcing |
In advance kirjaamo(at) |
2/2016 |
Submission of financial statements
Annually |
Within two weeks from the approval of the financial statements rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
see above |
Interim report |
Within two months from the end of the interim period rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
see above |
Auditing |
Within two weeks from the submission of the report to the supervised entity rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 2 section 9 |
Notification when an investment firm commences operations |
rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 20 section 5 | Notification when a custodial institution commences operations | rahastoilmoitukset(at) | |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 20 section 11 | Notification of changes to the information concerning significant close associations reported in the authorization application of custodian institution | Immediately | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 4 section 7.5 |
Notification, at least once a year, of names of owners of holdings and sizes of such holdings in a fund management company and its holding company as referred to in chapter 4 section 7 subsections 1 and 2 of the Act on Common Funds Link to the FIN-FSA electronic service (in Finnish) |
Once a year |
Via FIN-FSA´s e-services |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 24 section 1 |
Notification of establishing a branch for a fund management company authorized in another EEA state |
Ucits.Notifications(at) | |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 8 section 7.2 |
Notification when a mutual fund commences operations |
rahastoilmoitukset(at) | |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 6 section 1.5 |
Notification of outsourcing arrangements and significant changes in them. |
In advance | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 8 section 8.2 |
Notification of reaching or exceeding, or falling below the limits specified in subsection 1 on minimum equity or number of unitholders in a mutual fund |
Immediately | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 2 section 10.1 |
Copy of transfer proposal and report as referred to in Article 8 (2) and (3) of the European company regulation, in the event that the management company intends to transfer its registered office to another Member State, as provided in Article 8 of the European company regulation |
Without delay | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 5 section 3.2 |
Notification of the equity of a management company falling below the minimum amount provided in chapter 3 section 1 |
Without delay | |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 21 section 10 |
Notification from a custodial institution that an order from a management company is not being observed, or other grounds for comments are observed in the operation of a management company, as referred to in Section 31.1, and the company refuses to cancel its decision or change its operating mode |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 21 section 11 |
Notification of custody agreement made by the investment fund and any changes to such agreement |
Immediately | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 7 section 5 |
Annual report, semi-annual report and quarterly report of a mutual fund (only with respect to special mutual funds, Section 95) and copies of:
Without undue delay | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 10 section 8.1 |
Notification of a decision to halt the redemption of mutual fund units |
Without delay | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 13 section 17.3 |
Notification of the types of derivatives contracts used in the investment operations of a mutual fund, related risks, methods used in assessing the risks of derivatives contracts and quantitative limits |
Once a year | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 15 section 3.5 |
Mutual fund prospect and any amendments thereof |
Immediately | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 15 section 9.3 |
Mistake in publication of the value of a mutual fund unit |
Immediately | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 15 section 12.1 |
Key Information Document (KID) and any changes to it |
Immediately | A Key Information Document submitted to the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) must be a text-form PDF file (not scanned, not an image).
Model example: Fund management company X_Investment Fund Finland_5 |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 18 section 3.2 |
Notification of implementation of surrender of management of a mutual fund |
Within two months from the granting of the authorization | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 16 section 13.1 |
Notification of implementation of a merger of mutual funds |
Within two months from the granting of the authorization | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 17 section 4.1 |
Notification of implementation of a demerger of a mutual fund |
Within two months from the granting of the authorization | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 14 section 13 |
Notification of a feeder fund or of a collective investment undertaking acting as such the funds of which are invested in a fund under its own management |
Immediately | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 19 section 5.1 |
Notification of a decision to terminate a mutual fund |
Without delay | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 19 section 5.3 |
Final settlement of a terminated mutual fund with annexes |
rahastoilmoitukset(at) | |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 19 section 5.5 |
Notification that the assets of a mutual fund have been divided and the mutual fund terminated |
Without delay | rahastoilmoitukset(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 1.1 |
Notification of establishment of a branch in an EEA member state |
Well in advance | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 1.5 |
Notification of changes to information specified in chapter 22 section 1.1 |
No later than one month before the changes take effect | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 4.1 |
Notification of commencement of operations as referred to in chapter 2 section 2 in the area of another country without establishing a branch |
Well in advance | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 4.3 |
Notification of change in information under chapter 22 section 4.1 of the Act on common funds |
In advance | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 5.1 |
Notification of carrying out activities referred to in chapter 2 section 2.2 in a non-EEA country without establishing a branch, and related change of information |
Well in advance | kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Common Funds (213/2019) chapter 22 section 7 |
Notification when a fund management company or a foreign EEA fund management company intends to market in the EEA home country the units of a fund it manages in Finland. |
Finnish fund management companies: |