Financial market participants
- Credit institutions
- Payment service providers
- Mortgage credit intermediaries
- Consumer credit providers and peer-to-peer loan brokers
- Authorisations, registrations and notifications
- Owner control
- Fit & Proper supervision
- Supervision and processing fees
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Customer due diligence
- Obligation to obtain information and to report
- Risk assessment
- Internal instructions and training of personnel
- International cooperation
- International economic sanctions and domestic freezing decisions
- Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Reporting
- Report suspected infringement
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
- Sustainable finance
- Employee pension insurance
- Life and non-life insurance
- Conduct of insurance business
- Unemployment funds
- Sickness and benefit funds
- Insurance intermediaries
- Supervision and processing fees
- Authorisations, registrations and notifications
- Owner control
- Fit & Proper supervision
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Customer due diligence
- Obligation to obtain information and to report
- Risk assessment
- Internal instructions and training of personnel
- International cooperation
- International economic sanctions and domestic freezing decisions
- Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Reporting
- Report suspected infringement
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
- Sustainable finance
Capital markets
- Investment service providers
- Fund management companies
- Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)
- Crowdfunding service providers
- Stock exchange and other trading venues
- Central securities depositories
Issuers and investors
- Regulation of listed companies
- Notification of major holdings
- Inside information
- Listing
- Disclosure obligation
- Market Abuse Regulation
- Offering of securities and prospectuses
- IFRS and sustainability information enforcement
- Market soundings
- Register of prospectuses
- ESEF-reporting for listed companies
- Reporting obligation concerning the prevention and detection of market abuse
- Public bid
- Short positions
- Managers transactions
- Market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology
- Crypto-asset activities
- Supervision and processing fees
Authorisations, registrations and notifications
- Stock exchange and other trading venues
- Fund management companies
- Alternative investment fund managers
- Summaries and national provisions for marketing requirements for AIFs and UCITS
- Investment service providers
- Crowdfunding service providers
- Crypto-asset activities
- Market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology
- Owner control
- Fit & Proper supervision
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Customer due diligence
- Obligation to obtain information and to report
- Risk assessment
- Internal instructions and training of personnel
- International cooperation
- International economic sanctions and domestic freezing decisions
- Current provisions, regulations and guidelines
- Reporting
- Report suspected infringement
- FinTech – Financial sector innovations
- Sustainable finance