More information on reporting is available in the Reporting section.
What should be reported and notified?
Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
Finnish credit institutions
Regulations and guidelines |
Information to be reported |
Reporting frequency and reference dates |
Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3
Quarterly, Semi-annually or Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
26/2013 section 3 |
COREP OF Own funds
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
see above |
COREP LR Leverage ratio |
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
see above |
COREP LE Large exposures |
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
see above |
COREP LCR DA Liquidity coverage requirements |
Monthly, on the situation as at the last day of the calendar month |
The 15th calendar day after the reference date |
see above |
COREP NSFR Net stable funding requirements |
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
see above |
Monthly, on the situation as at the last day of the calendar month Quarterly |
The 15th calendar day after the reference date 12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
see above |
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
see above |
Quarterly |
3 July, 2 October, 2 January, 3 April |
EBA/GL/2023/08 |
REM HR Institution
REM GAP Information on gender pay gap
REM GL Reporting on management diversity and (management) gender pay gap |
Annually, on the situation as at 31 December Annually, on the situation as at 31 December Every other year as of 31 December
Every third year as of 31 December
Every third year as of 31 December |
On 15 June at the latest
On 15 June at the latest Next submission 15 June 2025 (as of 31 December 2024) Next submission 15 June 2027 (as of 31 December 2026)
Next submission 30 April 2025 (as of 31 December 2024) |
5/2014 section 3 Asset encumbrance reporting |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February
6/2014 section 3 Reporting of funding plans |
FP |
Annually, on the situation as at 31 December |
On 15 March at the latest |
CRD article 78 |
SBP CR/IFRS9 | Annually, on the situation as at 31 December |
On 11 April at the latest |
CRD article 78 |
SBP RM | Annually, on the situation as at 16 June |
On 18 July at the latest |
CRD article 78 |
SBP IMV | Annually, on the situation as at 6 February |
On 28 February at the latest |
Quarterly |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
2022/2454 | FICOD reporting of intra-group transactions and risk concentrations within financial conglomerates |
Semiannually 31 December, 30 June |
31 March, 29 September |
Decision of the European Banking Authority EBA/DC/498 | ESG | Semiannually or annually |
16 June, 15 December |
1/2014 section 4 Risk reporting by credit institutions |
S State of the banking system
Quarterly |
Within 30 business days |
see above 3/2015 |
LTC Loan-to-value |
Quarterly |
Within 30 business days |
7/2015 section 5 Calculation and reporting of capital adequacy of financial and insurance conglomerates |
Quarterly |
10 May, 10 Augus, 10 November, 28/29 February |
7/2012 section 4 Reporting of mortgate bank operations |
KP |
Quarterly |
Within 15 business days |
Regulations and guidelines 2/2023 ja 4/2023 |
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
Regulations and guidelines 6/2019 | CSDR9 | Quarterly 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December |
15 January, 15 April, 15 July, 15 October |
* Reporting institutions defined separately
** Settlement internalisation (CSDR)
The reporting obligation based on announcement by reporting entity
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Finnish branches of foreign deposit-taking credit institutions
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3
Quarterly, Semi-annually or Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
26/2013 section 3
COREP OF Own funds Only C 15.00 (CR IP Losses) Exposures and losses from lending collateralised immovable property |
Annually |
11 February |
1/2014 section 4 |
S State of the banking system |
Quarterly |
Within 30 business days |
see above 3/2015 |
LTC Loan-to-value |
Quarterly |
Within 30 business days |
Regulations and guidelines 2/2023 ja 4/2023 |
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Finnish branches of foreign credit institutions providing other than deposit services
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
20/2013 section 3
Quarterly, Semi-annually and Annually |
12 May, 11 August, 11 November, 11 February |
26/2013 section 3
COREP OF Own funds Only C 15.00 (CR IP Losses) Exposures and losses from lending collateralised immovable property |
Annually |
11 February |
1/2014 section 4 |
S State of the banking system |
Quarterly |
Within 30 business days |
1/2014 section 4 3/2015 |
LTC Loan-to-value |
Quarterly |
Within 30 business days |
Regulations and guidelines 2/2023 ja 4/2023 |
RA Risk assessment questionnaire |
Annually |
28 February |
For further information on Bank of Finland's data collection, please see:
- Reporting map (financial sector) (pdf)
- Bank of Finland's website.
Finnish credit institutions
Information reported on standard forms or as separate files
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates and email address |
Supervision releases Regulation (EU) 1163/2014 of The European Central Bank (ECB/2014/41) and Decision (EU) 2015/530 (ECB/2015/7) |
Collection of supervisory fee data by the European Central Bank COF |
Annually |
On 1 July at the latest |
1. Decision-making of the general meeting concerning a high maximum share of variable remuneration - Chapter 8 Section 8 |
Without delay kirjaamo(at) |
see above |
2. Data collection regarding high earners - Chapter 8 Section 16 |
Annually |
30 June kirjaamo(at) |
see above |
3. Remuneration Benchmarking data collection - Chapter 8 Section 16 | Annually |
30 June kirjaamo(at) |
Act on Credit Institutions chapter 7 paragraph 4 Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates Chapter 2 Section 14 |
Reporting of information on fitness and propriety LSI supervised entities: SI supervised entities: |
Without delay after the appointment or a change in the person’s responsibilities, and no later than two weeks from the appointment decision or from the date at which the person takes up the new position
Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector |
Reporting of disruptions and faults in operations From January 17th 2025 onwards Error report form (excel). The form is submitted to the FIN-FSA e-service in English. Translations available in Finnish and Swedish. |
Without delay Financial Supervisory Authority e-services (detailed information). FIN-FSA e-service log-in page. |
Annual report on losses from operational risk Damage report form (word) |
opriskivahinko(at) |
5/2019 section 13.4 |
Regulations and Guidelines related to the Capital Requirements Regulation Form available only in Finnish: Suurten asiakasriskien ylitysraportointiin tarkoitettu ylitysilmoituslomake (excel) |
Without delay kirjaamo(at) |
1/2023 section 3 |
Reporting of real estate held by credit institutions and their consolidation groups The related forms are available on the FIN-FSA's website |
Annually on the situation as at 31 December |
On 1 April at the latest kirjaamo(at) |
Government Decree 208/2014 |
Acquisition and disposal of shares and participations in credit institutions |
9/2017 |
Assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holding |
kirjaamo(at) |
Regulation (EU) 2017/847 on information accompanying transfers of funds 5/2018 Information on the payer and the payee that has to accompany a transfer of funds |
Notification regarding failure to provide required information on payer or payee and the steps taken The related form is available on the FIN-FSA's website |
Without delay and and no later than three months after identifying the repeated failing by the (intermediary) payment service provider. maksuntiedot(at) |
Information reported in free form
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates and email address |
RA1.1 section 4 (Act on Credit Institutions chapter 5 section 15) TaYL chapter 6 section 33) Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates chapter 2 |
Reporting of intra-group transactions |
Quarterly |
15 May, 15 August, 15 November, 28/29 February kirjaamo(at) |
RA1.2 section 4 Act on Credit Institutions chapter 5 section 13 Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates chapter 2 section 10 |
Acquisition of controlling interest in undertakings authorised in non-EEA states |
In advance, before acquisition of controlling interest kirjaamo(at) |
1/2012 section 8 | Outsourcing |
In advance kirjaamo(at) |
2/2016 section 13.2.2 |
Submission of financial statements
Annually |
Within two weeks from the approval of the financial statements kirjaamo(at) |
see above |
Financial report (company’s half-yearly report and 3-month or 9-month information published regularly on the company’s financial result and financial position) |
By each specific period kirjaamo(at) |
2/2016 section 13.3.2 |
Reports of auditors to the supervised entity, its holding company or subsidiary |
Within two weeks from the submission of the report to the supervised entity |
Act on Credit Institutions chapter 4 section 7 subsection 2 |
A credit institution may
In case of a change in the information as referred to in subsection 2, any new information must be submitted to FIN-FSA without delay. |
8/2014 section 9.3 |
Annual assessment of operational and security risks of payment services (free-form risk assessment) |
Annually by 28 February. First assessment by 28 February 2019. operatiivinenriski(a) |
Standard 1.5 section 6 Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates chapter 2 section 9 |
Recognition of a financial and insurance conglomerate and its holding company |
Without delay, after the company has received notice that it is part of a conglomerate kirjaamo(at) |
7/2015 sections 5.1 and 5.2 |
Information on the structure of a financial and insurance conglomerate as well as verification and reconciliation calculations and details of capital adequacy calculations |
Annually, on the situation as at 31 December |
Annually by 28 February FivaRava-vakavaraisuusraportit(at) |
Regulations and guidelines | Information to be reported | Reporting frequency and reference dates | Submission dates |
2/2018 Kaupparaportointi, tarjouskirjanpito ja kellotahdistus MiFID II:n mukaisesti (in Finnish) |
Transactions executed on financial instruments
Without delay or the next day |