About us

To Media

The FIN-FSA makes available information on the supervised entities’ financial position and regulatory changes, on a regular basis. We are also tasked with the duty of increasing general awareness of the financial markets, of any topical issues of relevance to the public and of new products and services launched on the market.

We publish annually more than 20 press releases and arrange 2–3 press conferences. In addition, our experts publish blogs on matters of topical interest and advertise them on our X account Twitter.com/FIN_FSA. We communicate directly with our supervised entities through supervision releases.

Our Market Newsletter addresses, for example, insider issues concerning listed companies and issues related to disclosure requirements and prospectus supervision.

You may sign up for the FIN-FSA’s press and news releases via this link.

Media services

Are you looking for someone to interview or do you need more information on financial sector issues?

Our media phone service number (only for media representatives) is +358 9 183 5030. Our Communications Officers can be contacted Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00 (except Maundy Thursday and New Year’s Eve 9.00-13.00). You can reach us by email at viestinta(at)fiva.fi.

Communications Unit's contact information

  • Ms Milka Lahnalammi-Vesivalo, Head of Communications, tel. +358 9 183 5222
  • Ms Riikka Lönngren, Senior Communications Specialist, tel. +358 9 183 5031
  • Ms Raakel Heikkinen, Communications Specialist, tel. +358 9 183 5574
  • Ms Hanna Niemi, Communications Specialist, tel. +358 9 183 5260
  • Ms Sari Piik, Communications Specialist, tel. +358 9 183 5285
  • Ms Margit Galkin, Communications Assistant, tel. +358 9 183 5267

FIN-FSA's contact information

Most recent news

  • News release
    FIN-FSA’s Annual Report 2024: Cybersecurity and fraud prevention were top of agenda
    Annual Report Board’s report to the Parliamentary Supervisory Council
  • News release
    Financial Supervisory Authority’s Stakeholder Survey 2024: Level of trust in the Financial Supervisory Authority is good, raising awareness of its activities will continue

    The Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) has succeeded in its tasks, according to feedback from stakeholders. Trust in the FIN-FSA remains at a good level; 89% of respondents say that they have at least a fairly high amount of trust in the FIN-FSA. The FIN-FSA is also considered to have succeeded well as a supervisor.

    Based on the survey results, the FIN-FSA identifies raising awareness of its activities as an area for improvement. One third of respondents are very familiar with the FIN-FSA’s activities, whereas half of all respondents say that they know the FIN-FSA’s activities ‘moderately well’ or ‘badly’.

    Stakeholders are most likely to describe the FIN-FSA with attributes such as ‘expert’, ‘responsible’ and ‘efficient in service matters’. The least popular attributes describing the FIN-FSA are ‘transparent’ and ‘dynamic’.

    Survey data

    Aula Research Oy conducted a stakeholder survey on behalf of the FIN-FSA to identify stakeholders’ views on the FIN-FSA’s activities. 244 respondents took part in the survey during October and November, after which the data was supplemented with 50 telephone interviews. The survey’s target groups included supervised entities, listed companies, authorities operating in the financial sector, the media and cooperating partners.

    Financial Supervisory Authority’s Stakeholder Survey 2024 (in Finnish)

    For further information, please contact

    Jyri Helenius, Deputy Director General. Requests for interviews are coordinated by FIN-FSA’s Communications unit, tel. +358 9 183 5030.

  • News release
    Scam attempts in the name of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) and its staff
    Fraudulent email Data security Phishing message