Frequently asked Questions & Answers on the FIN-FSA’s e-services
Frequently asked Questions & Answers on problem situations related to the FIN-FSA’s e-services.
1. Logging in to FIN-FSA e-services and authorisation
Q 1.1: How do I identify myself as a private individual in the e-services system?
A 1.1: Access to e-services always requires strong identification of users when the user has a Finnish personnel identity number. Identification and the granting of mandates to act on behalf of a company and organisation is done in the service (
Users identify themselves in the system with their own personal identification numbers and, for example, using online banking codes or a mobile certificate.
If you do not have a Finnish personal identification number, please log in using your username and password here.
E-services do not support the IE8 browser. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are recommended as browsers.
Public Services Info provides support in the use of services:
Telephone Service: 0295000
Q 1.2: How do I identify myself to act on behalf of a company or an organisation?
A 1.2: Acting on behalf of a company and an organisation requires a mandate granted via Currently in e-Authorisations, the managing director alone can authorise a person to represent a company or an organisation, even if at least two persons have the right to sign for the company or an organisation. The managing director may also grant a mandate in the form of a right to grant mandates, in which case the person so authorised may further grant and manage mandates in his or her organisation just like the managing director.
Foreign users who do not have a Finnish personal identification code must apply for a mandate provided by an official in the mandate service provided by officials. After the mandates are granted, users acting on behalf of a company are identified using the Finnish Authenticator Identification Service.
In a situation where an application to the mandate service granted by officials has been made, but the application is still being processed and it is necessary to be able to log in to the e-services system without delay, the FIN-FSA identification service must be used for identification.
Q 1.3: What’s the procedure for granting a mandate to act on behalf of a company or an organisation?
A 1.3: Mandates are granted in e-Authorisations as follows (additional instructions: Foreign users who do not have a Finnish personal identification code must apply for a mandate provided by an official in the mandate service provided by officials:
- log in to the service at the address: - select “Company’s mandates”
- select the companies on whose behalf you want to act
- select “Grant mandates”
- selected as the mandate type Mandate for transactions
- specify the parties, i.e. the persons, to whom mandates will be granted
- find the necessary mandate theme on the page: , e.g.
- Notification of use of tied agent in investment services
- A financial sector entity’s report on customer complaints
- specify the period of validity of the mandate
- check the accuracy of the information
- confirm the mandate
When granting mandates, please note:
- an organisation’s e-services (and related obligations) are not visible to the organisation in the system until at least one mandate for transactions has been granted
- also persons entitled to sign for a company or an organisation shall be granted a mandate for transactions before they can act for the company or organisation.
Q 1.4: What are the necessary mandate themes?
A 1.4: Available FIN-FSA e-services and the necessary mandates can be found here.
2. Own information on e-services home page
Q 2.1: In managing own information, what should be taken into consideration when acting on behalf of an organisation?
A 2.1: When acting on behalf of an organisation, take into consideration that own information is the contact information of the organisation (e.g. supervised entity), in which case deputy arrangements and the flow of information with other people in the organisation, among other things, should be considered when saving contact details. A company may add, for example, a shared email box as contact information.
3. Message management on e-services home page
Q 3.1: In managing messages, what should be taken into consideration when acting on behalf of an organisation?
A 3.1: The default setting of the e-services system is that users receive messages sent through the system from all e-services concerning the user. It is worth considering the need for information flow in the organisation’s transactions, if there are a number of e-services users and you wish to change the settings for messages.
4. Transaction obligations
Q 4.1: How are user-specific transaction obligations displayed?
A 4.1: By logging in to the e-services system, the user is identified as an organisation or a private individual and as a FIN-FSA supervised entity or other financial market participant.
Based on identification, supervised entities are further linked to their own supervisory sector (banks, insurance companies, investment firms, fund management companies etc.), in which case the system shows the transaction obligations related to each supervisory sector and the open e-services for all financial market participants. Due to the matrix structure of supervisory sector obligations, e-services are displayed according to the main classification, in which case the more specific obligations of the supervised entity depend on the supervised entity’s authorisation or registration.
Obligations displayed by the system that relate to open e-services only apply to other financial market participants. E-services related to the supervisory sectors are not displayed and cannot be selected for other financial market participants.
5. E-services
Q 5.1: What e-services are available?
A 5.1: Available FIN-FSA e-services and the necessary mandates can be found here.
Q 5.2: A form cannot be submitted because the automatic information is not completed correctly. What should I do?
A 5.2: First delete the old, incorrect form in order to activate Start new notification.
Q 5.3: I received a reminder message that the reporting deadline is approaching. I have already completed and submitted the form. What should I do?
A 5.3: In your transaction folder, check Sent and Completed to see if the form you submitted has received a transaction number. The transaction number always starts with the identifying code FISA. The FIN-FSA has received a form you submitted if the form appears in your transaction folder and the form has received a transaction number.
The identifying code of draft forms is four digits (e.g. 1234). A numeric code means that a form has not been sent to the FIN-FSA. The system sends reminder messages about draft forms that are awaiting submission. Superfluous draft forms can be deleted from your transaction folder.
Q 5.4: Where can I find the Fit & Proper approval letter?
A 5.4: The case handler sends the letter using e-services message function. The cases along with the messages can be found in the transaction folder.
6. Data protection
Q 6.1: Is transaction data secure and how are transaction viewing and processing rights managed?
A 6.1: E-services enable a secure connection in transactions. In the development of the system, particular attention has been paid to data protection and the confidentiality of the material processed. Users manage transaction viewing and processing rights themselves in their organisation in the authorisation service for each electronic service.
The FIN-FSA manages viewing and processing rights for each electronic service in such a way that, taking into account the confidentiality of the material, only FIN-FSA personnel whose duties so require it participate in processing.
The maintenance, servicing and development of the system’s IT services is managed by the FIN-FSA, the Bank of Finland and necessary outsourced suppliers in accordance with approved data protection principles and processes.
The processing of personal data related to the e-services system has been outlined in a privacy statement.
7. Further enquiries and contacts
Q 7.1: Where can I get further information or who can I contact in the event of problems?
A 7.1: In the event of problems or further enquiries related to the electronic services, you can contact the Financial Supervisory Authority by email at: fiva-asiointi(at) We will respond as soon as possible, when we have gathered sufficient additional information on the issue.
Contacts only in relation to currently available e-services.
Before contacting us, please check the e-services instructions on our website: FIN-FSA's e-services or on the service instruction page:
In the event of technical problems, it is a good idea to include the following information:
- time of transaction (date, time)
- browser used in the transaction (e-services do not support the IE8 browser)
- the user who logged in to e-services
- screenshots showing the page URL address
Public Services Info provides support in the use of services:
Telephone Service: 0295000