About us

Contact information

Contacting the Financial Supervisory Authority

Our supervised entities and other financial market participants are served by the section of our website Financial market participants, where subject-specific contact information can also be found.

In the General contact instructions and contact details section of the contact information page, you will find, for example, our telephone switchboard number and email address.

E-services and contact email addresses

Information on Financial Supervisory Authority e-services can be found here: Financial Supervisory Authority e-services.

In addition, financial market participants are also served by the following contact email addresses.

Report suspected infringement

If you suspect an infringement, you can report the matter via this link.

Financial sector consumer customers are served by the website section Consumers, which provides guidance for consumers. In the event of problems, please contact your service provider first.

Consumer problems with a service provider

If you have problems with a financial service provider, please visit the following page in the Consumers section of the website: Problems with a service provider.

The Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) does not resolve individual problems between a customer and a service provider. If a matter is not resolved between a customer and a service provider, the customer should contact Consumer Advisory Services or the Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau (FINE).

If you can't find the information you're looking for, you may call +358 9 183 5360 Tue-Wed 9:00–11:00 and Thu 13:00–15:00, except Maundy Thursday and New Year’s Eve (when it falls on a Thursday).

Report suspected infringement

If you suspect an infringement, you can report the matter via this link.

The FIN-FSA serves the media here.

Street address and opening hours

The Financial Supervisory Authority is located at Snellmaninkatu 6, Helsinki.

Office hours are Mon-Fri  9:00–16:15
(Maundy Thursday and New Year’s Eve from 9:00–13.30).


Open Mon-Fri 9:00–16:00 (Maundy Thursday and New Year’s Eve 9:00-13:30).
postal address: Financial Supervisory Authority, P.O. Box 103, FI-00101 Helsinki
tel. +358 9 183 5339
fax +358 9 183 5328

Information request concerning a document

An information request concerning a document should be made by email to registry(at)fiva.fi

Consultation process between the authorities for acquisitions of qualifying holdings in credit institutions

The designated contact point referred to in Article 2 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/461 for the consultation process between the relevant competent authorities for proposed acquisitions of qualifying holdings in credit institutions is registry(at)fiva.fi (reception of documents)


tel. +358 9 183 51

Cost of calls to the FIN-FSA

All calls to the FIN-FSA are free of additional service charges. When calling from a mobile phone, the cost depends on the type of subscriber connection, while the cost of landline calls is based on the rate for a local, trunk or international call.

Reception point for incoming mail

Mail can be delivered during office hours Mon-Fri 8.00–16.15. The reception point for incoming mail is situated in the inner yard of Rauhankatu 19. Admission to the inner yard is by the gateway to the alley between Rauhankatu 19 and Rauhankatu 17 (National Archives/Kansallisarkisto). To open the gate to the alley, contact the Bank of Finland’s Security Office, via the wall mounted intercom beside the gate. After the gate, at the end of the alley is a glass-walled unit housing the top of the lift shaft. To call the lift, use the intercom beside the lift doors.


FIN-FSA email addresses have the format firstname.lastname(at)fiva.fi and firstname.lastname(at)finanssivalvonta.fi without the Scandinavian characters (for example, ä = a, ö = o).

You can also send secured email messages to the FIN-FSA. Instructions on the secure email system are available here (Bank of Finland’s and Financial Supervisory Authority’s secure email system: instructions for external users). The FIN-FSA recommends that you use an email solution protected by a SecureMail connection when your email contains confidential information.

Customers may report observations to the FIN-FSA about the conduct of an entity supervised by the FIN-FSA that the customer deems to be contrary to the rules or otherwise reproachable. Correspondence with the FIN-FSA .


The invoicing instructions for the FIN-FSA and the Bank of Finland are available on the Bank of Finland website.

Public disclosure of contacts with the FIN-FSA and confidentiality

Please note that any messages sent to an authority are public unless they contain secret information as referred to in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities or another Act. Everyone has the right of access to an official document in the public domain.

For example, details of a person’s health, customer relationship with the labour administration or annual earnings are always considered secret.